Re: ***POSSIBLE SPAM*** Re: Many applications can't connect to when OpenVPN is activ

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Beigetreten: 05/20/2015

So from the comments here it appears as though I am replying to the
message list differently than you would expect me to.

As I'v elected to recieve the digest, I know you don't want me to hit
reply to the full digest. So when I want to reply I have been copy/paste
the subject line I wan tto reply to and write a new email with that
subject line.

What are you expecting me to do?

Jim Fulner
The DetroitLibertyPenguin
Promoting Free Minds, Free Markets and Free Software
and whenever possible Free Beer
"For as long as one of your brothers is not free, none of you are free"
248-765-7458 (cell)