There are several types and ways to get a complete System. There are systems with and without a free BIOS. But they all should have one thing in common: They already come with Trisquel GNU Linux pre-installed, or the possibility to install it manually.
Computers with free BIOSes are the best choice for computing in liberty. Free BIOSes are a rare feature. There are companies which sell such systems. Systems of this category and informations how to buy one can be found here.
Computers with proprietary BIOSes can still be freedom friendly. This type of computer is more common. Trisquel will run fine on these computers, too. Companies which are selling these types of systems can be found here
Another way to get a complete system is to create your own! Get inspired by searching the forum, reading about recommended complete systems of the free software foundation, take a look at hardware that is supported by libreboot and visit h-node.
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