Version von How to remove Windows after installing Trisquel GNU/Linux in dual boot? vom Mi, 10/21/2015 - 16:09

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This guide is designed primarily for users who have a dual boot that now want to fully escape Windows and go purely with Trisquel GNU/Linux.


  1. A Trisquel GNU/Linux Live CD or GParted LiveCD.
  2. Basic knowledge on Disk Partitioning.
  3. Experiance editing with a text editor such as gedit or nano.

Before you start fiddling with your partitions, you should make sure that you have ALL IMPORTANT data backed up, preferably on a secondary hard drive (internal or external), a USB flash drive, or a CD-R or DVD-R.

1. Boot the Disc.

Place the LiveCD into your CD/DVD drive, and reboot the computer. Each computer is different, but you may need to change your BIOS to have the system boot from the CD drive before the hard disk. Refer to your computer manufacturer's documentation for this.

2. Run GParted and Locate Windows.

On the Trisquel GNU/Linux LiveCD, go to Main Menu (Trisquel) -> System Settings -> GParted.

Screenshot from 2015-10-21 05_57_20.png120.24 KB


10/21/2015 - 16:09
08/05/2024 - 05:31