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1.3 Trisquel 7 mini et Window Maker 
Il ne vous suffira de quelques minutes pour installer et utiliser Window Maker (wmaker) via votre gestionnaire de paquet Synaptic.Après installation pour démarrer une session chosissez Blackbox en choississant l'option dès le login, cliquer sur l’icône représentant le logo de Trisquel.
Written by Alfredo Kojima almost from scratch, resembles the NeXTStep look very closely, and it is now an official GNU project. Window Maker (originally named WindowMaker) is not overloaded with features, and it is easier to configure than most other window managers. Its final goal is to produce a window manager that doesn't require editing of configuration files.Window Maker is fast and doesn't require tons of memory to run.
Liens :
10/16/2016 - 08:33

05/31/2023 - 17:16