Version von toutatis-development vom Di, 03/12/2013 - 03:30

Durch die Versionierung lassen sich die Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Versionen eines Beitrags verfolgen.

Final release issues

  • Log File Viewer launcher still missing from the System Settings' list (Image)
  • Abrowser repository packages are currently broken and cannot be installed through Add/Remove Applications nor Synaptic Package Manager. Also, Abrowser is missing from Add/Remove Applications software list and there are duplicate firefox package builds (Images: 1 2 3 4 5)
  • Abrowser help buttons are redirecting to non-existent pages
  • SeaMonkey available from Add/Remove Applications although not available from the repositories
  • GDebi Package Installer missing from the images
  • abrowser-locale-en installed in Trisquel-mini although not required
  • Useful links

  • Latest Trisquel 6.0 LTS Toutatis development builds are downloadable here
  • Current release roadmap and related information can be obtained here
  • This page is forked from this thread for easy maintability
  • This wiki page is a duplicate of the official one available here
  • A List of bugs that threaten Free System Status can be found here
  • Documented IRC Developer Meetings are located here
  • trisquel-devel Mail Archive
  • Minor bugs

    Cosmetic issues

  • Menu Bar icon background isn't transparent (Image)
  • Menu Bar text is hard to read (Image)
  • Text overlaps with the icon on the panel (Image)
  • Missing icons for some apps (Image)
  • #7474: VPN connection missing the lock icon
  • "This system is based on Debian" text line is misleading (the correct sentence should be: Trisquel is based on Ubuntu which is in turn based on Debian) (Image)
  • Development bugs

  • Occasionally when gnome-panel is first loaded on startup it will be invisible. Pressing ALT+F1 will show the Applications Menu above the invisible panel (could be related to this bug report)
  • #7784: Open Sound System (oss4-dkms) fails to install
  • No sound after installing OSS4 (this doesn't affect Trisquel-mini). This can be prevented by adding the line "adduser `whoami` audio" to the package prerm or postinst script (package control data) (Image)
  • Commands located in /usr/sbin are directly accessible only through sudo (Image)
  • The Source code option located in Software Sources does not affect the way external repositories are handled when adding through add-apt-repository command
  • All the Minitube versions prior to 1.8 are non-functional due to the API changes Google made to YouTube. This software should be either purged from the repositories, or the new version should be backported (This affect all Trisquel versions up to 6.0 and will be fixed in 6.5)
  • Feature requests

  • Backport Lightspark 0.7.1 into Trisquel repositories and include browser-plugin-lightspark package in the default install (for proper Flash support, including AVM2 and SWF 10). This can be easily accomplished by merely doing a copy-paste of packages from the official Launchpad repository
  • Trisquel uses old "Users and Groups" instead "Users" from GNOME System Settings like Ubuntu 12.04
  • Missing Power Manager Inhibit Applet from the Gnome Panel's Add to Panel menu list (important when watching online videos and don't want to be disturbed by the active screensaver). Compared to Gnome 2, other missing applets include Brightness Applet, Dictionary Look up, Drawer, Dwell Click, Lock Screen, Pointer Capture, and User Switcher (Image)
  • Missing System option on the Menu Bar applet (Image)
  • compizconfig-settings-manager should be pre-installed by default (Image)
  • Maybe DeaDBeeF (a lightweight music player with a very low memory footprint, similar in concept to foobar2000) should be backported and pre-installed in Trisquel-mini by default (for managing music libraries)
  • xcompmgr should be pre-installed in Trisquel-mini as the default composition manager (like Compiz in Trisquel; requires to be executed during every startup). Without this, black rectangles appear around dock when using Cairo-Dock (Image)
  • Desktop launchers (My Computer, Home Folder & Trash Can) should be added to Trisquel-mini desktop by default (like in GNU/Linux Mint LXDE) (Image * Download contain a hidden folder in "home/trisquel/.config")
  • The Complete-It-Yourself nature of Trisquel-mini should be changed to a full-featured desktop. It should have a better out-of-the-box experience (like GNU/Linux Mint LXDE has) by adding missing functionality, by installing the following packages (tested on Dagda, Toutatis needs some changes to be made to the list):
    Recommended: xcompmgr gnome-screenshot lxtask lxkeymap gnome-search-tool gnome-system-log gnome-disk-utility gnome-time-admin gnome-bluetooth gnome-system-tools xscreensaver
    Optional: spider xpad xmahjongg computer-janitor-gtk cheese remmina pitivi deadbeef gwibber deja-dup xboard
    (Note: These packages were very carefully selected, tested, and proved to be functional, and they fit the minimalist nature of LXDE. There are some other popular alternatives, like for ex. catfish, scrot, shutter, etc., but these were proven to be either non-functional or its features was insufficient and/or unsatisfactory, or they just have too many dependencies in order to be included)
  • Other reports

  • Newly created accounts set as administrator do not have sudo access (easily fixable with 'sudo adduser NEW_USER_NAME admin' as suggested by Magic Banana)
  • Changing the Text scaling factor value in Advanced Settings makes long app names in System Settings to be cut off (System Settings just needs a restart) (Image)
  • dconf-tools is pre-installed in Trisquel-mini. Maybe it was forgotten there. Others include Gnash SWF Viewer launcher in Sound & Video and UXTerm, XTerm launchers in System Tools
  • If it's possible, Add/Remove Applications' launcher should be located directly under LXPanel's Menu in Trisquel-mini (like in Gnome Panel)
  • Fixed

  • #7725: Battery icon doesn't show any charging progress
  • #7753: Midori private browsing doesn't work
  • Missing Software Sources' launcher from the System Settings' list (also from Preferences in Trisquel-mini). Others include Log File Viewer (Image) (FIXED in 20130308)
  • gnome-shell and gnome-session are conflicting packages (fixable by enabling the official Gnome 3 PPA as suggested by Magic Banana) (FIXED, probably in 20130301, they do not conflict but they do not work after installed either, with error message "Failed to load session gnome", and gnome-session does not treat gnome-shell as a dependency.
  • The Trisquel-mini login screen texts "User:" & "Password:" are too dark to be visible (Image) (FIXED in 20130308)
  • Sudoku doesn't start at all (easily fixable by installing gir1.2-launchpad-integration-3.0) (FIXED in 20130302)
  • Include the latest Abrowser 19.0 (for out-of-the-box WebRTC support). This adds a video-calling functionality and serves as a proper Skype replacement while requires no extra space (FIXED in 20130224)
  • Have any questions?

  • Is there any serious reason, why Open Sound System is not default in Trisquel(/Ubuntu/Debian), or is it because no one thought about that?
  • Versionen

    02/24/2013 - 15:41
    03/05/2013 - 09:30
    03/06/2013 - 01:32
    03/08/2013 - 07:09