
TypBeitragAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
Forum TopicMounting drive upon log-in oralfloss4vor 11 Jahre 14 Wochen
Forum Topic0AD enters crowdsourcing phase ahj6vor 11 Jahre 14 Wochen
Forum TopicAre most of you free software extremists? t3g58vor 11 Jahre 15 Wochen
Forum TopicRemote Support (aka Teamviewer Replacement) antarta40vor 11 Jahre 16 Wochen
Forum TopicCanonical wins award for Amazon integration t3g9vor 11 Jahre 16 Wochen
Forum TopicHow to recognize non-free javascript quantumgravity39vor 11 Jahre 16 Wochen
Forum Topic[OT] Why is a program being nonfree reason enough to avoid it? ssdclickofdeath29vor 11 Jahre 16 Wochen
Forum TopicDoes Trisquel's associate members list finally got to three digits ? teodorescup4vor 11 Jahre 16 Wochen
Forum TopicLavabit shut down due to U.S. government BlinkingArrow62vor 11 Jahre 17 Wochen
Forum Topic[OT] New rms article: Why Free Software Is More Important Now Than Ever Before akirashinigami0vor 11 Jahre 17 Wochen
Forum TopicDo you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini? muhammed11vor 11 Jahre 20 Wochen
Forum TopicYour thoughts on SteamOS? t3g9vor 11 Jahre 21 Wochen
Forum TopicHow many people are working on Trisquel? Which libre Linux distro has the most developers? spyfall46vor 11 Jahre 21 Wochen
Forum TopicTrouble making a bootable USB drive from Triskel cdupree4vor 11 Jahre 23 Wochen
Forum TopicStrange thing about WLAN card and etc dujingshan9vor 11 Jahre 23 Wochen
Forum TopicWhere can I ask for help and report bugs? spyfall3vor 11 Jahre 24 Wochen
Forum TopicGNU-Linux on Wikipedia muhammed45vor 11 Jahre 24 Wochen
Forum TopicVirtualBox Being Removed From Trisquel jxself29vor 11 Jahre 24 Wochen
Forum TopicTrisquel free, but based on Ubutu ?? mabra28vor 11 Jahre 25 Wochen
Forum TopicChange Device NAme dpatac2vor 11 Jahre 25 Wochen
Forum TopicCD isn't detected in Media blue11210vor 11 Jahre 25 Wochen
Forum TopicTrisquel blocking ALL flash videos and ads zRokh7vor 11 Jahre 26 Wochen
Forum TopicNeed help installing Trisquel on my netbook Zbee9vor 11 Jahre 27 Wochen
Forum TopicEmacs 24 Build Error c1074vor 11 Jahre 27 Wochen
Forum TopicWhat distribution 100% libre= Dew161810vor 11 Jahre 28 Wochen