Cryptocat lets you instantly set up encrypted conversations. It's a free, private, safer chatting alternative. Cryptocat uses the OTR encrypted messaging protocol to offer accessible communications to everyone.
Cryptocat is a free, open experiment that aims to provide an open, accessible Instant Messaging environment with a transparent layer of encryption that works right in your browser.
Cryptocat aims to leverage both the ease of use and accessibility afforded by web applications and the security provided by client-side cryptography to offer group instant messaging, encrypted file sharing, and more.
Cryptocat is developed by privacy advocates, for privacy advocates. Big Data providers such as Google and Facebook continue to amass gigantic amounts of personal information without providing any guarantee of privacy, while encryption remains largely inaccessible. This means that a lot of what you do online is not within your control, but rather susceptible to governmental or corporate interception.
Cryptocat aims to bridge the gap for those who need encrypted communications that are easily accessible.
- Install extension
- Author: Cryptocat
- License: AGPL-3
- Download source code