Project: | Trisquel |
Component: | Gnome |
Category: | feature request |
Priority: | minor |
Assigned: | Unassigned |
Status: | active |
I understand that a lot of applications are hidden. Ubuntu, Debian and a lot of distributions have already done this, to hide unnecessary Software from the user in the menu. But I really don't understand why the "Gnome-System-Monitor" is hidden :S... The only way to find it is by :
1 - Right clique on the Trisquel icon, "Edit-Menu", "Checkbox" System Monitor.
2 - Open the terminal (or just F2), and type gnome-system-monitor.
So there is 2 solutions for this :
1 - Don't hide it from the user in the menu even if it's easy to enable it again.
2 - Show it on the System Definitions Window among with the others.