Revision of How to download HTTP Dynamic Streaming video using Livestreamer and UnPlug from Sun, 01/26/2014 - 17:50
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Many websites now provide video using Adobe's HTTP Dynamic Streaming. Some videos delivered using this method can be viewed and downloaded by using Livestreamer and UnPlug without running non-free JavaScript.
First install the add-on UnPlug:
Then install livestreamer using pip:
sudo aptitude install python-pip
sudo pip install livestreamer
Here is an example of a website offering video using HTTP Dynamic Streaming:
By clicking the UnPlug icon the following link is offered but cannot be downloaded using the browser:
Now copy this link to the browser and insert "view-source:" before it:
Now more links are offered. Copy the one you want into the browser and add "view-source:" again:
Now we are offered this link followed by a list of media.ts files so this is the final link:
Now remove the final part (that starts with "key"), replace it by "manifest.f4m" and add "hds://" to the beginning of the url and feed it to livestreamer:
livestreamer hds://
Now you will see the following output:
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hds://
Available streams: 234p (worst, best)
Now select the quality (e.g. "best") and download using "-o" filename:
livestreamer hds:// best -o out.mp4
You will see that livestreamer is downloading the file:
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hds://
[cli][info] Opening stream: 234p
Written 5661062 bytes[cli][error] Error when reading from stream: Read timeout
[cli][info] Stream ended
Now you can view the video using your favorite video player such as Totem or VLC.