Revision of Searchable PDF from DjVu OCR from non-searchable PDF from Sun, 03/19/2017 - 08:32
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Why a DjVu? Because it's so much easier to do, and it's completely libre.
Quick and dirty
If you already have a decent PDF, you can possibly just do:
sudo aptitude install pdf2djvu ocrodjvu
pdf2djvu -o Out.djvu {your PDF file}
ocrodjvu --in-place -e tesseract Out.djvu
Just make sure to get the latest ocrodjvu (you can build it if you want) so that tesseract works.
Long way
Here is a script which will help you to convert a PDF into a searchable DjVu file. The only thing that I miss in DjVu is the annotation capabilities within a GUI (you can also try with []).
If you really want to get a PDF, you can do two things: look at the bottom of this page or get ocrfeeder to work for you.
Here is how you get the searchable DjVu from an image-based PDF: copy the code below into a new file or download the attachment (you can call it ''''). Then, make it executable (open your file manager, do a right-click on the file, go to properties, go to permissions and change from read only to read and execute). You will have to run the program in a terminal (you can open one by doing CTRL + t or by going to the Accessories section of your Programs Menu).
If the name of your PDF is ''MyFile.pdf'' and it's located in a folder called Docs which lies on your personal folder (HOME), the full name of your file is ''~/Docs/MyFile.pdf''. Let us assume that you saved your program to another folder (''~/Progs/'', for example). In that case, you have to run the program by typing this on your terminal:
chmod +x ~/ ~/ ~/Docs/MyFile.pdf
This will take a while. It converts the PDF into TIFF which you will have to cleanse with scantailor (optionally, for better results); gets the OCR out of the TIFF, and puts both the OCR and the TIFF into a DjVu file.
Beware: this process may take a considerable amount of disk space if the original file is long. You could initially split the original PDF (with pdfjam, for example). A way could be:
p=$(pdfinfo | grep '^Pages' | awk '{print $2}'); mkdir split; cd split; for i in $(seq 1 20 $p); do pdfjam -- ../ "$i"-"$(( $i + 19 ))"; done;
#!/bin/bash # # is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with If not, see . # # # This is script is meant to automate the process of converting # image-based PDF files into searchable DJVU files by means of OCR. # # It was inspired by: # # # # It is required to have the following installed: # ocrodjvu (tested with 0.7.18 from Debian # pdftoppm, pdfinfo and pdffonts (from poppler-utils 0.24.5) # scantailor (tested with # djvm and cjb2 (from djvulibre; djvulibre-bin # # Save this script to a file and make it executable: # chmod +x # # Then run it on a terminal with the name of the PDF that you want to # OCR: # /directory/MyPdfFile.pdf # # Good luck! if [[ ! "$#" = "1" ]]; then printf "Usage: $0 /path/to/PDF\n"; exit 1; fi; [[ -z $(which "scantailor") ]] && inst="$inst scantailor"; [[ -z $(which "pdf2djvu") ]] && inst="$inst pdf2djvu"; [[ -z $(which "ocrodjvu") ]] && inst="$inst ocrodjvu"; [[ -z $(which "pdftoppm") || -z $(which "pdfinfo") || -z $(which "pdffonts") ]] && inst="$inst poppler-utils"; [[ -z $(which "djvm") || -z $(which "cjb2") ]] && inst="$inst djvulibre-bin"; if [[ -n $inst ]]; then printf "The following utilities need to be installed:\n$inst\n\n" printf "Do you want to continue? [Y/n]" read bol_inst; case $bol_inst in [yY] | [yY][eE][sS] | "") sudo aptitude install "$inst"; ;; [nN] | [Nn][Oo]) printf "Aborting. Have a nice day." exit 1; ;; esac; fi; arch_pdf="$1"; num_pag=$(pdfinfo "$arch_pdf" | grep '^Pages' | awk '{print $2}'); printf "\nChecking if $(basename "$arch_pdf") is a readable PDF\n"; for ((i=1; i<=$num_pag; i++)); do font=$(pdffonts -f "$i" -l "$i" "$arch_pdf" | tail -n +3 | wc -l); if [[ "$font" == "0" ]]; then pags="$pags $i"; fi; done; printf "Pages $pags are not searchable\n" if [[ -n "$(printf "$pags" | tr -d ' ')" ]]; then [[ -z $nomTmp ]] && nomTmp="$(uuidgen)"; OCRdir="/tmp/OCR/$nomTmp" mkdir -p "$OCRdir" printf "\nCreated working directory $OCRdir" printf "\nConverting pages to TIFF: "; for i in $pags; do printf "$i "; pdftoppm -tiffcompression none -r 300 -tiff -f "$i" -l "$i" "$arch_pdf" "$OCRdir/$nomTmp"; done; printf "\n"; printf "Do you want to use scantailor to improve the OCR? [y/N] " read bol_tailor; case $bol_tailor in [yY] | [yY][eE][sS]) printf "When scantailor is opened, 1) click \"New Project\"; 2) choose $OCRdir as \"Input Directory\"; 3) don't change the \"Output Directory\"; 4) fullfil the tasks to the left; 5) in the last task select black and white (not mixed nor grayscale); 6) when done, click on the play symbol (an arrow within a circle), and 7) close scantailor. You don't need to save the project if you don't want to. You'll be brought back to this terminal when finished. Hit ENTER now." read; scantailor; out_dir="out"; ;; [nN] | [Nn][Oo] | "") printf "Skipping scantailor"; esac; out_dir="$OCRdir/$out_dir"; printf "\nConverting pages to DJVU: \n"; djvu_dir="$OCRdir/djvu"; mkdir -p "$djvu_dir" # Check if tesseract is working if [[ "$(ocrodjvu --list-engines)" =~ "tesseract" ]]; then printf "Using tesseract OCR\n"; ocr="tesseract"; else printf "Not using tesseract. The results will be sub-optimal\n"; fi; for i in "$out_dir"/*.tif; do if [[ -f "$i" ]]; then # djvu_arch="$djvu_dir/$(basename -s .tif "$i")".djvu; cjb2 "$i" "$djvu_arch"; if [[ -n "$ocr" ]]; then ocrodjvu --in-place -e "$ocr" "$djvu_arch"; else ocrodjvu --in-place "$djvu_arch"; fi; fi; done; printf "\nExtracting remaining pages from PDF: \n" for (( i=1; i<=$num_pag; i++ )); do if [[ ! -f "$djvu_dir/$nomTmp-$i.djvu" ]]; then # pdftk "$arch_pdf" cat "$i" output "$out_dir/$nomTmp-$i".pdf; pdf2djvu -j0 --lines -p "$i" -o "$djvu_dir/$nomTmp-$i".djvu "$arch_pdf"; fi; # pdftk "$arch_pdf" burst output "$(basename -s .pdf "$nomTmp")"-"%d.pdf"; done; printf "\nJoining to DJVU: \n"; djvm -c "$OCRdir/$(basename -s .pdf "$arch_pdf")"-OCR.djvu "$djvu_dir/$nomTmp-"*.djvu; printf "\n***** Success! *****\n"; printf "Your new file is located at $OCRdir"; printf "\nDo you want to clean the temporary files? [Y/n] "; read fin; case "$fin" in [yY] | [yY][eE][sS] | "") rm -fr "$djvu_dir" "$out_dir" "$OCRdir/$nomTmp*.tif"; ;; [nN] | [nN][oO]) printf "\n" du -h "$OCRdir"; ;; esac; fi;
Then, if you really want to have a PDF out of this process, you will have to check the location of your new DjVu (''/tmp/OCR/MyFile-OCR.djvu'', for instance) and run the following code in the terminal. It may take a '''seriously long time''', and you should check the difference in size between the DjVu file and the PDF. Then, you can decide if you really want a PDF or DjVu!
djvups /tmp/OCR/MyFile-OCR.djvu /tmp/OCR/
ps2pdf /tmp/OCR/ /tmp/OCR/MyFile-OCR.pdf
There is also an alternative solution:
The file multiocr.txt is a file with a bash script which scans a folder recursively and does the whole PDF → DjVu process with all PDF files (with a PDF extension). is an update and does almost the same.
Attachment | Size |
djvuocr.txt | 5.41 KB |
multiocr.txt | 6.67 KB | | 8.68 KB | | 13.5 KB |