Submitted by AndrewT on Thu, 01/13/2011 - 07:53
Revision of Setup a Scanner from Wed, 06/25/2014 - 19:38
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Checking for Compatibility
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) previously maintained a hardware directory. The FSF has has begun migrating this data to the community supported site h-node.- The scanner site is a resource that will help users find information about if scanners work with all Free Software. Users are encouraged to submit hardware information to h-node because this will help the community know which hardware is supported and which to avoid.
Page dimensions
Simple Scan has page setting options in Document -> Preferences.
If your scanner doesn't seem to listen to your Preferences settings, you can modify the page dimensions after scanning.
" Suppose we want to trim the pages of our input file prior to n-upping. This can be done by using a pipe:
pdfjam myfile.pdf --trim '1cm 2cm 1cm 2cm' --clip true --outfile /dev/stdout | pdfnup --frame true --outfile myoutput.pdfThe --trim option specifies an amount to trim from the left, bottom, right and top sides respectively; to work as intended here it needs also --clip true. These (i.e., trim and clip) are in fact options to LaTeX's \includegraphics command (in the standard graphics package)." - University of Warwick example 6
Community member Magic Bananna
Example 6 at ...
05/18/2016 - 03:55
