Trisquel only comes with a Gnome and LXDE version, however it is possible to install KDE. This is actually a very simple task.
First, you must have a netinstall edition of Trisquel. During the installation it is recommended to select the console environment option. With this we have a base system from which we can install the KDE environment.
The next step is will be to install all the necessary packages for KDE in order to obtain a minimal and usable system. It is recommended to install xorg, kde-minimal, kdm, virtuoso-nepomuk, kdesudo, network-manager-kde, kmix, kpackagekit and system-config-printer-kde. Using aptitude, the easiest way to do this would be to issue the following command in the terminal:
sudo apt-get install xorg kde-minimal kdm virtuoso-nepomuk kdesudo network-manager-kde kmix kpackagekit system-config-printer-kde
This will install all required packages to run KDE.
The advantage of using kde-minimal is that you can install any programs you would need with kde while maintaining a simple and light system. If you require a more complete system you can always replace kde-minimal with kde-standard or kde-full as needed.
After installing these necessary packages it will be possible to start using the KDE graphical environment.
10/01/2012 - 23:46
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