Revision of Build FF Clone from Sun, 09/22/2013 - 02:51

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Notice: This page is a part of my personal profile page, and may be moved or deleted without prior notice.

The license of this game is not specified (non-free), therefore it is not advised to use it. I will try to contact the author of the work, and if he does not agree to give a license statement to the game source code (release it as free software), then I remove this page, and all the related stuff.

Prepare & Build

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install make gcc libcairo2-dev liblua5.1-0-dev
tar xf ff-clone-1.1.tgz
rm -f ff-clone-1.1.tgz
cd ff-clone-1.1


mkdir ../build
mv ff-clone data ../build
echo ./ff-clone -d data>../build/
rm -fr ../ff-clone-1.1
mv ../build ../ff-clone-1.1
cd .

Pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded here. The official website of the game is here.


08/16/2013 - 20:08