Are libblueray/libdvdcss legal?
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the following post was originally posted here:
but noone replyed to i am posting here
start of post:
i know you can use libblueray and libdvdcss to unencript
encripted dvd's and blueray disks on gnu/linux
but i also noticed according to Wikipeida alot of gnu/linux distros dont include these libarys
for legal reasons
are these libarys illegal in some countries?
if so why?
It's unclear, so just use it
They're illegal in the US, but I don't expect to be shot or anything. (DMCA act)
You'll probably be fine installing them, though.
ohh. you don't expect to be shot? And you live in the USA?
hmm. optimistic girl..
The authors also suggest patents might be an issue in some countries.
The nice folks are trying to make the DMCA global
Yes, and the TPP contains worse things:
Technically, only DeCSS has been ruled to be illegal in the U.S., and libdvdcss uses a much cruder brute-force method to crack the encryption (because it turns out that CSS encryption is extremely weak), so it's technically not clear whether or not libdvdcss is legal. However, it probably is. In any case, the chances of people being arrested for this are absurdly low, and even the chance of being sued for it is low unless you're distributing copies of what's on the DVD.
i use these lib's anyway i was just interested
thanks for the replys
i agree
just because something is illegal dose not make it immoral
just because something is moral dose not mean you wont be thrown in prison or fined for it
and as i don’t rely want a criminal record its a good idea to check what would happen if you broke that law
why the dislikes?
was there any violation of the community guidelines?:
i as normal disagree with chaosesqueteam
but in this situation he was just expressing his opinion
and not as far as i could tell violating the community guidelines in any way
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