forum/mailing list discrepancies
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Since switching to the mailing list from the forum I've begun to notice that each experience results in missing content that I now realize has been the cause of miscommunications for me in the past. I have heard that the forum is being reworked, so I thought I would document the discrepancies I'm aware of here. Maybe people who have been using the mailing list longer than I have can contribute more.
Content visiable in the mailing list but not the forum:
- anything enclosed in angle brackets. This is presumably because it is interpreted as html, but people frequently enclose links in angle brackets, and users of the forum do not see these links.
- email addresses. Email addresses appear in the forum as 'name at domain'. I'm not sure why this is.
Content visable in the forum but not the mailing list:
- usernames: I've gotten to know people to know by their usernames and now need to relearn who they are by their email addresses. This is not such a problem, but people frequently will refer to each other by their usernames ('See [username]'s comment'). If I'd only ever used the mailing list I wouldn't know what they're talking about.
- edits: Obviously an email can't be edited once sent, but having it resent in its edited form would be preferable to not receiving the new information at all.
- quotes. In the forum quoted text is in italics. I neither expect nor want html in emails, but it would be nice if some remnant of quote tags were included so that it is clear who is saying what.
Proper threading and subject changes are also available in the mailing
list. I'm guessing that all responses are folded down to appear as children
of a thread-starting post in a forum and that any subject changes are
simply lost in the forum as that seems to be how forums work nowadays.
Also, attachments to forum posts apparently aren't attached to the corresponding email.
On 10/01/18 03:03, name at domain wrote:
> Content visiable in the mailing list but not the forum:
> - anything enclosed in angle brackets. This is presumably because it is interpreted as html, but people frequently enclose links in angle brackets, and users of the forum do not see these links.
> - email addresses. Email addresses appear in the forum as 'name at domain'. I'm not sure why this is.
As for the e-mail addresses supression, it is quite likely intended
to prevent address-harvesting by spamming spiders.
As for to enclose something in angle brackets... <something>
I expected tags to be displayed here, but I was disappointed.
I read Formatting on the Trisquel forum and expected the <code> tag to be able to include tags inside, but now I am editing my message because it didn't work that way... in order to have tags displayed I have to replace the "lesser than" and "greater than" symbols by the codes < and > . That worked, and <something> turned into <something> .
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
> As for the e-mail addresses supression, it is quite likely intended
> to prevent addresses harvesting by spamming spiders.
I didn't think of that. It is good for example that it blocks the email address in your signature. With that in mind I guess its better to make forum users write out user at example dot com than accidentally reveal someone's email address.
Thanks for figuring out the angle brackets. I should have thought of using the html codes . This is another case where I wish edits were sent to the mailing list, as the only reason I saw your solution is that I went to the forum to see if your first solution worked.
> As for to enclose something in angle brackets...
> You can use the tags
> the forum, just read href=""
> title="Formatting on the Trisquel forum">Formatting on the Trisquel
> forum.
> --
> Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
> pub 4096R/C6AB2D51 2011-08-02 Ignacio Agulló Sousa <name at domain>
> sub 4096R/BB77B38F 2011-08-02
> Content visable in the forum but not the mailing list:
> - usernames: I've gotten to know people to know by their usernames and now need to relearn who they are by their email addresses. This is not such a problem, but people frequently will refer to each other by their usernames ('See [username]'s comment'). If I'd only ever used the mailing list I wouldn't know what they're talking about.
> - edits: Obviously an email can't be edited once sent, but having it resent in its edited form would be preferable to not receiving the new information at all.
> - quotes. In the forum quoted text is in italics. I neither expect nor want html in emails, but it would be nice if some remnant of quote tags were included so that it is clear who is saying what.
- attached images
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