How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

47 respuestas [Último envío]

I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

So, a month ago, give or take, some users in the Spanish forum began to express their preoccupation with the current state of Triskello. I was asked (well, asked indirectly, let's say I thought this won't hurt and could help a bit) to translate a text by dcapeletti (user) and trinux. I did not translate it. I wrote another one, but all the main points raised by amigo dcapp are there. Read it and if we all agree, we correct, add or subtract to this text and send the mail. It certainly won't hurt..
In attachments.

trisk.tar.bz21.02 KB

I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014
Anonymous (no verificado)

Great idea! Let's make sure this distribution doesn't end up like BLAG and Ututo.

se unió: 06/25/2016

I backup the proposal. Just tell me when to send the email.

se unió: 09/20/2016

I'm for this

se unió: 07/17/2013

Count me in!
Though I would suggest that we had an email (the same text) sent by everyone, so they know it is a community request and that a lot of people are united around this. BUT we could also, each one of us, write an email stating the reasons each one of us wants Trisquel to be developed maintained.
As for the date, how about December 1st? It gives us plenty of time to get people organized, and it will avoid the "Christmas" season a bit (if we sent the email during that time, people would forget, and people at the FSF could be in vacations and ignore the email).

se unió: 07/17/2013

Btw I cannot open the file you posted SuperTramp.

Trinux text is good however.


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014
se unió: 07/03/2016

The problem with the file is that the suffix is "". If you change it to "", the file works fine. I'm not quite sure what the _0 is for, but presumably it's a minor cosmetic difference.

As regards sending the email, I fully agree and will do so as soon as possible. I will likely be switching to Parabola anyway, but (as the only fully-free distro I've installed anywhere thus far) this OS shows so much potential, blocked only by the lack of maintenance.

se unió: 11/28/2015

Parabola is a great choice! I am a longtime user and it never disappointed.

se unió: 02/18/2016

I agree. Thank you all for your efforts to support the community and the project it self.

I would also like to ask for the possibility to support financially by other means than using pay-not-pal.

se unió: 05/30/2012

I'm a bit confused about what you could hope to achieve by emailing the FSF. Are you asking them to pay Ruben to work on it? Or possibly asking them to give him more free time? It could be that neither of these are possible. Besides, it would be more effective to contribute to Trisquel's development.

I'd also like to point out that the ISO having been released in 2014 is not that big of a problem. What matters is whether or not updates are coming in, and to my understanding, they are and will continue to do so until 2019.

But if 2019 comes and Trisquel 8 still hasn't been released, or if the updates stop rolling in, it's not the end of the world. Just like with gNewSense and Ututo, we would just move to another distro, probably GuixSD (which is a system I'm interested in switching to anyway).


I am a member!

se unió: 07/01/2012

I'm hoping that they can do something to reinvigorate the project and bring it back into a virtuous cycle where people help out working on it because they believe in it and sees progress being made. I have the feeling we are currently in a vicious cycle.


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

>I'm a bit confused about what you could hope to achieve by emailing the FSF.

If you ask this to me: nothing, I usually don't hope, that way I stay optimistic.. As I said I am just a messenger of a proposal I agree with in that it won't hurt and might help a bit.

>Are you asking them to pay Ruben to work on it? Or possibly asking them to give him more free time? It could be that neither of these are possible.

The suggestion was apparently:

El pedir a la FSF que liberen unas horas de su (Ruben Rodriguez) jornada laboral para sacar adelante Trisquel 8 y consolidar el desarrollo participativo del proyecto.

You guessed it.

>I'd also like to point out that the ISO having been released in 2014 is not that big of a problem.

It's not splendidly amazing either..

>What matters is whether or not updates are coming in, and to my understanding, they are

To my understanding vital packages are **not** getting security updates.

se unió: 05/30/2012

Are Abrowser and IceDove out of date? Those are the only packages not taken care of upstream, IIRC.

se unió: 05/15/2011

People bashed me in the past for this, but the lack of communication from Ruben and the lack of any progress has many worried about this distro. People shouldn't have to hound him on IRC to get an update. He needs to follow through. Posts like these just reinforce the faith that is being lost towards this distro.

se unió: 05/30/2012

It would be nice if there were more updates on progress, but t3g, you know just as well as I do that nothing has changed here. If anything, Ruben communicated much less about the development of Trisquel 6 and Trisquel 7. In fact, it looks to me like the reason is exactly the same now as it was then: he's busy with work.

se unió: 07/03/2016

I am new here and simple novice in Trisquel for about 4 months. I like trisquel a lot because it is free, and not a bad distro at all from my relatively lay point a view. A point of view of somebody that was using mint from about 2 years.
But what I would like to say is that maybe the Trisquel project would like to receive more donations, so they would feel that they should invest more in this project. Have you ever consider this?
yesterday Mr. Stallman was here in Portugal and I attended to an amazing speech by him about surveillance, free software and Democracy (what an amazing event!). One thing he said when talking about free FSF was, something like this: "(...)people tend to thing that by helping in development of free software, code and all the rest, is enough to the progress of it, well that is not the case, sometime we need money(...)". This is I believe a very close approximation from what he said as I can remember.
All this to say maybe we need to donate more, they are not dumb, if they feel that people are donating from the Trisquel project oubviously they'll give more time to it in direct proportionality!
I have said...

se unió: 05/30/2012

If you want to help Trisquel's development specifically, donating to Trisquel can help. Though in this case, like I said before, I suspect it's more that Ruben is preoccupied with his job at the FSF (probably due to the recent loss of a staff member), than that he's short on money. Donating never hurts, though. :)

Mangy Dog

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 03/15/2015

> I suspect it's more that Ruben is preoccupied with his job at the FSF

The aim here is to not have suspicions, guess's or any other speculation(s) but rather have real answers to our demands on the behalf of Ruben & the FSF,in this case the next release of Trisquel 8

se unió: 09/29/2009

"All this to say maybe we need to donate more, they are not dumb, if they feel that people are donating from the Trisquel project oubviously they'll give more time to it in direct proportionality!"

It's not the money. People sending the letter are not demanding any money from FSF. Trisquel has its own bank account, and it accumulates about 20,000$ in donations. Trisquel can pay a developer... but that developer has got to be Rubén, and he has no time for Trisquel. That is that needs to change.

se unió: 03/22/2016

The letter is a good idea, and I hope something good comes of it, and I would be very glad to write my own letter to the FSF. It seems to me Ruben needs to give Trisquel the attention it deserves, or give it to someone else if he's not willing to accept help with it, or delegate some of his other tasks so he can devote more time to it. It seems unrealistic to rely on this one person, who apparently has too many things to do, that he's unable to devote the time needed to maintain this wonderful program.

A hackathon would be awesome, if it would produce the updated Trisquel in a timely manner. I imagine it would need review and approval by whoever does that, which, hopefully, could be done to everyone's satisfaction. IF I were technically skilled, I'd surely participate in that, though I do contribute to the FSF as a member.

Until this situation improves, I will have to find something else to run. If we expect to gain more users, they need to see that they can rely on Trisquel to be as functional and secure as possible. They to be assured that it will always be far better than the proprietary, bloated garbage they were using.

It has familiar enough features, yet is unique enough that it didn't take me long to be able to work with it and want to stick with it.

Trisquel has such great potential, I sincerely hope it doesn't fade away because of neglect, especially considering how many of us love it. It's been about a year since I first used it. I'm glad I learned about the FSF, Trisquel, and this wonderful community, and I'd be glad to share my letter with you all.


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

I was contacted by Trinux, who reminded me about this thread. The date is 27 November, next Sunday. We will send our mails on that day either individually or collectively. I think it is best to send it as a collective letter. What do you think?

Mangy Dog

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 03/15/2015

Send! 2

To: info (at)

Come on! :-)


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

Aha, so you already sent those mails. Ok, gonna send mine too

Send! 3

To: info (at)

Come on! :-)

se unió: 06/25/2016

Done! sent!

se unió: 01/09/2013


I think it is best to send it as a collective letter. What do you think?

Well, brother here is my 2 centavos collectively in the matter.

1- send them a formal letter about your concerns
2-If that wont provoke a response, then send them a messenger pigeon, make sure the pigeon lands in Ruben shoulder and stains his shoulder with pigeon crap, for a notification notice of customers waiting for a honest reply.
3- If that wont work, send him a DIGITAL REPLY in the form of a FART, full of A pending response, for a crappy service.
4- Last resource will be, to pour in Rubens desk chair in his office, JUST Digital urine and feces for a crappy service.
This just joking, but GIVE US A RESPONSE!


se unió: 09/29/2009

Sent one minute ago my own message. I had to entirely rewrite the text because it keeps speaking for many, which is something I cannot do - I can only speak for myself. Also, less adjectives and adverbs (hooray!).

Dear Free Software Foundation,

I, as a member of the Trisquel community, am very worried with the current state of my favourite libre GNU/Linux distribution. There are no new releases and all ISO images date from 2014, resulting in an outdated distribution which lacks security fixes and up-to-date hardware support. Many important programs, i.e. Icecat, are outdated and missing security fixes, which generates distrust. In the last months I read about people shifting to Parabola, Debian or other distributions, for reasons related with the climate of uncertainty and the continued absence of the main developer, Rubén Rodríguez, whose job is system administrator at the Free Software Foundation.

What worries me the most is the increasing uncertainty surrounding the next stable version of Trisquel.

I think that you could and should help the community of Trisquel to strengthen and speed up the state of Trisquels development. I am convinced that such an user-friendly Ubuntu-based libre distribution like Trisquel is an important project, one that the FSF should prioritize. If we are objective and honest we note that unfortunately we can count with our fingers the distributions of GNU that are completely free, and the situation seems to be slowing down. Trisquel is needed to stand tall and keep delivering to new users an easy way to do their computing in freedom, while making sure at the same time that the relationship between OS and community, both developers and users, is solid, up-to-date, and the software is updated and secure.

I hope you understand and share my concerns. Trisquel needs help. This is a request shared by members of Trisquels community, a collective instance from a community that loves free software and wants to make sure its future is as bright as we can make it.

Ignacio Agulló from the community of Trisquel

se unió: 07/03/2016

Do you mind that I'll send a copy of your text? esperando una respuesta. Gracias...

se unió: 09/29/2009

Of course you can use my words, just as I rewrote Trinux's words. In this forum we all believe in freedom of redistribution, don't we?

se unió: 07/03/2016


To: info [at] fsf [dot] org

subject: Long live Trisquel Gnu/Linux

se unió: 03/24/2015

Donated again, I wonder if someone should start some kind of crowd funding page?

se unió: 07/03/2016

I will send the letter as Ignacio wrote it. But I still continue with that which was my point in the first place: if we donate in the behalf of Gnu/Linux Triquel distro they will understand and give more time of work for this wonderful distro.
let's start that crowd funding. I am in on that

se unió: 03/24/2015

Been sharing info about Trisquel to others, trying to raise awareness.

se unió: 12/21/2015

Sent from 2 of my emails!

Pablo G

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 05/16/2012

Done! Sent!

To: name at domain

se unió: 02/25/2013


se unió: 04/10/2016


To: info [at] fsf [dot] org
se unió: 07/03/2016


se unió: 05/04/2016


se unió: 03/22/2016

Here's the letter I'll be sending:

Dear FSF,

For the past year I've been an associate member, because I believe in being able to run free. The program I chose was Trisquel, after testing it in a VM. I was very happy.

During the past year, I went to the Trisquel forum, and the IRC channel. The Trisquel community is wonderful.

Sometimes, mostly in the forum, I'd see some unhappy people though; who say Trisuel hasn't been upgraded in awhile. Concerns about security, including for IceCat, made my heart ache. Thankfully someone in another group posted about a serious problem with the kernel, and someone there guided me to update it.

As someone who loves Trisquel, and wants to stick with it, I am also deeply concerned. We realize Mr. Rodrigez is very busy, but he should be devoting more time to Trisquel. In the Trisquel forum I read that he's got too many things to do, which take away from his time to work on it.

It seems unrealistic to expect one person to be able to handle so many things, as well as having enough time to focus on a program as wonderful as Trisquel.

I thought working on Trisquel was Ruben's main job. There have been a few suggestions at the forum on how help get Trisquel upgraded, and I've seen a few of the letters, which they have already sent to you. They very much want to help, and so do I.

Some have switched to other distros; it would be very sad if I have to leave Trisquel, too, because it isn't getting the attention it needs.

We want to know that Trisquel will be around for many years to come, that it will always be as accessible and secure as possible, and we're willing to work together to make it happen.



se unió: 03/22/2016

Sent. :)

Thanks to those who gave me the +.

I love Trisquel, and this community. :D


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

hehehe, another + for you then :)
we love you too misty misty X_X

se unió: 10/19/2016



I am a member!

se unió: 07/01/2012

So, did anyone get a response? I've heard nothing...

Majin Buu
se unió: 11/05/2016


se unió: 04/03/2014

What has happened to this topic? Will it improve after trisquel 8?
se unió: 07/03/2016

If by "improve after Trisquel 8" you mean the situation we're worried about, it already has. Although I don't think the FSF has started funding Trisquel, meaning we didn't get quite what we wanted, the main problem was that Ruben hadn't been regularly updating us on the state of development. He seems to have started informing us again though, so things look stable for now. We'll just have to wait and see, but I don't think there's any reason to worry about Trisquel 8 collapsing just yet.