I Finally Did It – I Evicted Microsoft!
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I blogged my unboxing Taurinus X200 at:
If you have difficulty accessing the wordpress.com server then you can read my unboxing comment here:
If you are interested in the Taurinus X200, then send a message to name at domain> with
"referral" in the subject and the following information in the body:
* Ronald's order number #196
* Ronald's name, and
* Your order number.
I wish to have Libiquity rebates to go to the next 4 Taurinus X200 purchasers rather than to me, if they agree.
Soon after the setup of a fully freed computer running Trisquel, my hybrid system was trisquelled too.
Strange how closely the separate events happened.
I wish to thank everyone here in the forum for assisting and encouraging me.
I'm more than happy to see one more person in possession of a liberated computer and even more happy to know that you seem to be enjoying it. Best of luck to you in your endeavour!
While we are at it - Microsuck is a very fitting name for the company and imho Winblows is an accurate counterpart for their operating system ;)
Love the fact that you're trying to get your rebate to be used by others - that might be an incentive to someone, I hope.
Since this seems to be the right place to write this down, I'd like to share my experience with buying a liberated X200 from another vendor (it's about the laptop itself, running Libreboot and Trisquel 7). I've been very happy with the device myself, upgraded it to the maximum of 8GB RAM and got a speedy Samsung SSD for it. All in all I couldn't be happier. Great keyboard, fast and absolutely great when it comes to running Trisquel (haven't tried any other GNU/Linux distro with it so far). Very much looking forward to reading your blog, which I didn't check out earlier. Your style of writing is especially nice to read and the contents aren't any worse, either.
All the best and have a great day!
- PenGNUin
Hi pengnuin, I'm glad to meet you, do you have a blog?
The small laptop is a bit difficult for me to operate (no finger-touch pad), I'm considering a USB mouse (or some other input device) and HDMI cord to connect to the big screen.
But my old hybrid (more like a gaming machine) does all that now so I am mostly testing and learning from the old hybrid which I have a lot of Trisquel CLI to learn.
That reminds me, please share the how to change the colors/brightness for browser images. All images on the internet (including my blogs) are dark and black is too black bleeding into the rest of the image. Unless Trisquel disabled my Nvidia card that had controlled that?
Hope to hear from you again.
I do not, but if I ever decide to start one I'll make sure to let you know. Glad to meet you as well!
For me, the trackpoint is perfect but I see why someone might want to use a touchpad. There are external touchpads like these, in fact: http://www.redferret.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/usbmultitouchpad.jpg which might be a solution.
Learning to do certain tasks on the command line is really useful. Fortunately, most tutorials originally tailored to Ubuntu will apply to Trisquel as well - so learning material is abundant.
Regarding the colors - I have no real idea on how to fix it and am not quite sure if I understand the problem you're describing.
- PenGNUin
You can install the Stylish add-on: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/2108/platform:2/addon-2108-latest.xpi
Then, find a "global style" you like and install it: https://userstyles.org
The links wanted to install something automatically and the other wanted to redirect, I halted it to search for verbose details and found:
Themes, hmm interesting, but I'm confused how this would help me with altering the computers' graphics settings unless, for example: I chose Win7 theme clicked on the setting for graphics and altered my settings from there.
But why do that, when there must be a way to accomplish the same from the CLI?
Thanks for sharing I will archive it for consideration, there is sooo much I need to learn and explore.
Stylish changes the CSS of Web pages. I use https://userstyles.org/styles/145541/total-black-global-dark-theme for a black background. I gave you that link because you were talking about changing the "colors" for the "browser":
please share the how to change the colors/brightness for browser
You are now talking about "altering the computers' graphics settings"... what is not more precise. Maybe you want to change the brightness of the screen from "Brightness & Lock" in the "System Settings", or the theme for the graphical widgets from "GNOME Tweak Tool" (in the "System Settings" as well), or install "redshift" (from Trisquel's repository) to adjust the temperature of your screen: http://jonls.dk/redshift/
Who knows?
> "please share the how to change the colors/brightness for browser images. All images on the internet (including my blogs) are dark and black is too black bleeding into the rest of the image. Unless Trisquel disabled my Nvidia card that had controlled that?"
I searched the features you commented on ("Brightness & Lock", and "Tweak Tool") but didn't know about "redshift" though screen temperature may not be relevant to this. I am confused... but I'll post it separately as a clear question.
For changing brightness of an Nvidia card that is making use of nouveau,
perhaps you can make use of the script I shared here some years ago,
It should allow you to use the Function/Fn keys to change the
Be sure to tell us the results, even if it doesn't work at the first time.
Happy hacking! :)
name at domain writes:
> Hi pengnuin, I'm glad to meet you, do you have a blog?
> The small laptop is a bit difficult for me to operate (no finger-touch
> pad), I'm considering a USB mouse (or some other input device) and
> HDMI cord to connect to the big screen.
> But my old hybrid (more like a gaming machine) does all that now so I
> am mostly testing and learning from the old hybrid which I have a lot
> of Trisquel CLI to learn.
> That reminds me, please share the how to change the colors/brightness
> for browser images. All images on the internet (including my blogs)
> are dark and black is too black bleeding into the rest of the
> image. Unless Trisquel disabled my Nvidia card that had controlled
> that?
> Hmm...
> Hope to hear from you again.
- https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, use o GNU Ring ou o Tox.
- Contato: https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno#vCard
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
(apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.
Wow... My sense of timing is really fast... I said "years", but it's only
about 6 months. :)
Adonay Felipe Nogueira <name at domain> writes:
> For changing brightness of an Nvidia card that is making use of nouveau,
> perhaps you can make use of the script I shared here some years ago,
> see:
> It should allow you to use the Function/Fn keys to change the
> brightness.
> Be sure to tell us the results, even if it doesn't work at the first time.
> Happy hacking! :)
>Microsuck is a very fitting name for the company and imho Winblows is an accurate counterpart for their operating system ;)
Microcuck is also not a bad name.
But this is not the true reason of my interjection..
I just wanted to attach this evergreen -->

I'm probably enjoying this joke way more than I should... ;)
I think Richard calls this "defenestration". Congratulations.
I'm waiting for EOMA68 myself. Hello console apps. :-)
defenestration is the next stage if they return; or maybe defenestration is for the central bankers and their club-members who (like to upon giant phalluses disguised as skyscrappers) erect the tallest buildings for themselves.
EOMA68, I searched for details and WOW-meee!!!
Do you have a 3D printer too?
Please share your EOMA68 unboxing and assembly or blog about the experiences - I am very interested.
Wishing you success with your projects.
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