Konquerer and Icedove are not getting along

6 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 01/03/2015

Only Konquerer can access my email accounts through cPanel.
After doing so, after I download my new emails to Icedove, Konquerer will not restart.
In order to restart Konquerer, I first have to kill Konquerer and its three sleeping processes with System Monitor.
This is repeatable behavior.

The three processes are:
(1) QtWebEngineProcess-type=Zygote, etc.
(2) QtWebEngineProcess-type=Zygote, etc.
(3) QtWebEngineProcess-type=renderer
-primordal-pipe-token=[long string]
-content-image-texture-[extremely long string of numbers...]

When I attempt to examine this third process, the ensuing pop-up window whose numbers have the character
of a two-dimensional array extends beyond the screen to left & right, freezing the System Monitor.

The operating system is Trisquel_9, with a normally working Icedove, a Lenovo T420 laptop, 7.7 GB of RAM,
plenty of free space on the Data partition mounted at /home, and no other known issues.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

cPanel is proprietary software. Assisting users in being subjugated by proprietary software goes against the Trisquel Community Guidelines: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/trisquel-community-guidelines

se unió: 01/03/2015

Magic Banana, missing the point, reminds me:
cPanel is proprietary software. Assisting users in being subjugated by proprietary software goes against the Trisquel Community Guidelines: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/trisquel-community-guidelines
That's OK; Konquerer just became superfluous, as ABrowser now accesses my ISP's email data for me without any issues.
That makes another thread become superfluous:

se unió: 01/03/2015

Let's pretend that I never mentioned cPanel, which is not for individual personal computers
anyway. CPanel.org recommends never installing it for personal use. It is on a commercial
website, and it's not involved with the apparent incompatibility that is the topic of the
present thread.

Let's discuss a typical visit to trisquel.info, during which I log in, look at the forum,
and then exit to download my emails with Icedove.

If I used Konqueror for that initial visit to the Trisquel website, after reading my
emails with Icedove, a repeat visit to the Trisquel website is impossible with Konqueror
unless I first kill those Konqueror processes in System Monitor that I listed at the start
of this thread.

se unió: 06/05/2016

OK. Let me be honest about this thread.

As a policy of any FSF-endorsed distro, any mention of propietary software is not recommended to be applied to FSF-endorsed distros due to some tweaks applied to comply the GNU FSDG standards. So, the best advice that I can bring you is search the issues related with cPanel working on Ubuntu 18.04 and/or any other forks that allows you to solve this issue.

However, the connection between the email service hosted by the server set-up by cPanel and the lack of functioning on email clients like Icedove... it seems like a bad settings stuff and/or a sabotage of the personal use of that program.

If you want to use a web control panel for your personal web and email server, I seriously recommend you to try OpenLiteSpeed with CyberPanel. Both are GPL 3.0 and these have a pretty well support (I seriously tried many open-source alternatives and I stacked with CyberPanel + OpenLiteSpeed).

Cyberpanel links:

OpenLiteSpeed links:

se unió: 01/03/2015

This morning, after uploading and installing the latest Trisquel_9 update/upgrade, I noticed that Konqueror
had disappeared from the Trisquel menu.

Instead of reinstalling Konqueror, I used Abrowser to access the unmentionable portal to my email (which
is also the portal to everything else that runs on the servers at my Internet Service Provider) and
found that the settings had all returned to normal (i.e., pre-Trisquel_9).

Good-by Konqueror, welcome back Abrowser.

George Langford

se unió: 06/05/2016

Actually, Abrowser is a pretty good fork of Firefox that actually seems pretty similar to Parabola's Iceweasel (actually, I use Parabola GNU/Linux-libre for use just this browser over Trisquel). Also, Abrowser is actually th only one Firefox fork that keeps more aligned to the actual Firefox release branch than other Firefox forks (Iceweasel, GNU IceCat).

Anyway. I don't know if Quidam will compile the development branch of GNU IceCat for Trisquel 9 and beyond.