Opening a fediverse post from a URL with toot (or another tool other than a web browser)

2 respuestas [Último envío]

I am a translator!

se unió: 08/18/2020

Does anyone know how to open a fediverse post from a URL without using a web browser, which never works without putting a libreJS exception (which I don't want to do)?

Using toot or toot tui, I did not find how to do.

se unió: 12/20/2021

Maybe this would help you Avron ^^

se unió: 09/13/2010

The URLs contain the Message ID. I can imagine a program that uses the Mastodon API to print the message out, given a Message ID. It would have to be a message that you have access to, following the usual rules of visibility for who can see what. That means not private, unless it's to you, and not followers-only unless you're a follower & have access that way, and etc.