Trisquel 9.0.1 mini 32 bit does not reboot

23 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 02/19/2016

Hi to everyone!
I have downloaded the latest ISO image of Trisquel 9.0.1 mini 32 bit and installed on an old HP510 notebook, all was perfect during the installation procedure via DVD, but it does not reboot. The response is:
error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'.
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue>_

Is this a probem of GRUB? What are the right commands in rescue mode? What have I to do, in order to boot correctly Trisquel mini 9?

se unió: 02/12/2015

You may not have flagged your partition as "bootable". Can you insert and start your live DVD installation ISO, and go to the live Trisquel desktop, and open the "Gparted" program? Gparted is in the Main Menu, under the "System Tools" sub-menu on the Trisquel Mini 32-bit live ISO.

Open Gparted, and find your partition that you are booting from. Right-click on it and select "Manage flags". Make sure that "boot" is selected, then close and exit and shut down. Remove your DVD and reboot.

Hopefully that will give you a grub menu and allow you to boot.

se unió: 02/19/2016

Thank you Andyprough.
I followed your procedure, the "boot" flag is selected in Gparted, but the problem remains the same, Trisquel mini 9 (32 bit) does not reboot.

I tried even so:
grub rescue> ls
(hd0) (hd0,msdos1)
grub rescue> (hd0,msdos1)/
./../ lost+found/ home/ swapfile etc/ media/ bin/ var/ boot/ dev/ lib/ mnt/ opt/ proc/ root/ run/ sbin/ srv/ sys/ tmp/ usr/ initrd.gz initrd.img vmlinuz cdrom/ initrd.img.old
grub rescue>_
grub rescue> set prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub
grub rescue> set root=(hd0,msdos1)
grub rescus> insmod normal
error: attempt to read or write outside of disck 'hd0'

Exactly as before. How to continue? What have I to do?

se unió: 02/12/2015

Well, I can't duplicate your error on my machine. However, according to this post...: should modify your rescue steps as follows:
Grub> set prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub
Grub> set root=(hd0,msdos1)
Grub> set

Then check that you've got the correct setup:
Grub> ls /boot

Then set the mount point and load the kernel:
Grub> linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1
Grub> initrd /initrd.img

And then boot:
Grub> boot

Hope that helps move you a bit farther along.

se unió: 02/19/2016

'grub rescue> ls /boot' the response is always
error: attempt to read or write outside of disck 'hd0'

I have even used the disk SUPER GRUB 2. After choosing 'Enable all native disk drivers *eperimental*' and then 'Operating systems Linux /boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-161-generic (ata0,msdos1)' and waiting some minutes , Trisquel 9 mini does boot. But without SUPER GRUB disk the problem remains always the same.

se unió: 02/12/2015

Oh really? I wonder what would happen if you skipped the 'ls /boot' step but did all the other steps?

se unió: 02/19/2016

'linux' command not recognized

It is a pity, because with Trisquel 8 mini it did boot very well.

se unió: 02/12/2015

I would try chroot-ing in and re-installing grub, but it would actually be just as fast to reinstall the entire Trisquel Mini I'll bet you.

What's your hardware? Are you running an ancient CPU? Is there any reason to think that your hard drive could have a corrupt block at the beginning?

se unió: 02/19/2016

My hardware is HP510 notebook with Intel Pentium M 770, 2,13 GHz, single core. The hard drive is a PATA SSD 64GB and is not corrupted, I have checked with "Disk utility".
It is strange because Triquel 8 mini 32 bit was perfect without any boot problems.

se unió: 02/12/2015

Well, here's Magic Banana's chroot procedure for reinstalling grub[1], if that's the route you want to take.

$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
$ for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done
$ sudo chroot /mnt
# grub-install /dev/sda
# update-grub

Personally I would just reinstall the entire distro, since it's a new install and you wouldn't be losing data. Clearly something went wrong with the install. Why not just start fresh and see if you avoid the problem next time? Give that partition a good formatting first.


se unió: 12/10/2013

I think with UEFI you should include /sys/firmware/efi/efivars in the list of directories to mount.

se unió: 02/12/2015

Was uefi ever put on 32-bit systems? I'm thinking not.

Edit: Apparently I'm wrong.

se unió: 02/19/2016

Hello, Andyprough.
I have follewed the Magic Banana's chroot procedure, but I have always the same response:
error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'.
But, to make up for it, after typing "grub rescue> set", I have got


Thanks to all for the attention and suggestions.

se unió: 02/17/2016

I thought you had an IDE drive. A SATA drive would be 'sd', not 'hd'.

Maintenance guide:

se unió: 06/30/2017

I too have a sata drive that is listed as hd and not sd in grub. I don't think that's the problem.

se unió: 02/17/2016

You're right -- the designation hd0 has no bearing.

"Note that GRUB does not distinguish IDE from SCSI - it simply counts the drive numbers from zero, regardless of their type. Normally, any IDE drive number is less than any SCSI drive number, although that is not true if you change the boot sequence by swapping IDE and SCSI drives in your BIOS."

Go to section "Naming Convention".


I only now realized there has been a new release announcement ISO 9.0.1:

I hardly ever read the main page but proceed straight to the forum.

se unió: 02/19/2016

Hello, Loldier
I have installed on the HP510 notebook a 64GB PATA SSD.

se unió: 02/19/2016

I have followed even this procedure

$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y boot-repair && boot-repair

but nothing to do, I have always "error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0' "

At the end of the day, after choosing 'Enable all native disk drivers *experimental*' and then 'Operating systems-- Linux /boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-161-generic (ata0,msdos1)' and waiting 3-4 minutes, I can boot with the SUPER GRUB 2 disk only and so have access to Trisquel 9 Mini (32 bit). See pictures.

Super Grub_1.jpg Super Grub_2.jpg GParted 2021.10.31.jpg
se unió: 02/17/2016

I found this on the net. It's probably a combination of things, and reinstalling the GRUB won't make a difference under these circumstances. The solution would be to create a separate partition for /boot.


Error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'

So, as a result of the confluence of a number of circumstances:

--BIOS is used (not EFI)
--large disk size
--poor BIOS design
--folder /boot is written too far from the beginning of the disk

...can get the error:

Error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'

From that facts the conclusions follow:

--When installing on the same disk, the error may or may not occur (depending on the location of the /boot folder on the disk)

--Reinstalling GRUB, which is advised on some websites, may or may not help - again, depending on where the /boot folder is overwritten

--If your computer supports EFI, then you will never encounter this error

--The problem disk may well boot on another computer (there are nuances - on another computer there may be EFI or also poorly designed BIOS)

And the most important conclusion:

--If the /boot folder is written to a separate partition and the partition is located at the beginning of the disk, then this will almost certainly solve the problem.


se unió: 02/12/2015

That's the most sensible thing to do next. Re-install with a 100mb /boot partition as the first partition.

se unió: 02/19/2016

Thanks, I will try and have to learn how to do in order to get not myself into some trouble.

se unió: 02/12/2015

Better do what @eric said below - make it a 500mb partition if you have enough space for that.

se unió: 06/30/2017

The norm seems to be two kernels installed on /boot after upgrades.

I have a boot partition with 133M used with the kernels from linux-libre which jxself compiled. I would try 500MB at least.

se unió: 02/19/2016

I have discovered and solved the problem: after crypting previously some time ago the SSD, without crypting it again during the o.s. installation process, at the end the GRUB problem emerges with the resposnse:
error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'.
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue>_
Now Trisquel mini 9.0.1 32 bit works well. Thanks for the suggestions and attention.