Vincent Willem van Gogh

5 respuestas [Último envío]
Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
se unió: 06/06/2018

This includes usual my experiment slightly but is for especially people who like drawing so please let me excuse just to make sure there is no thing which you see interesting if you don't have interest in drawing and linguistics, maybe.

That experiment or ptactice means, for the maybe simplest example, "I am not talking about your manner.".
I have been trying to devise that equality which Monsieur Godard has achieved in the movie by using things such as free indirect speech in many posts. It could be an excuse for my typographical errors but actually they are estimated as under 20 to 30% or the other way around, I wish.
In the example, you cannot tell whom I am talking to but note that I don't do them by calculation or on purpose blatantly so it is almost the reverse of mathematics so including proggraming but when you write a program on revolution of the proper point of the flow (like trisquel?) with your bloomed original talent, you would be doing the same thing out of calculation but with it at the same time. In short, maybe it is like a thing that when Matisse was going to draw a tree, but he actually drew the different thing on the canvas, as far as I know. If he lets me have a slight disagreement with Bakhtin, it is not that a mixed form is not the matter, it is that a mixed form is also the matter about free indirect speech. Clearly Godard piles positions and colours or letters etc to achieve the purpose but he doesn't mix those matters of course. If you mix blue and yellow, it becomes green so it is mixed but it doesn't devise that equality. Because it is impossible to mix one being and another being physically unlike the blue and the yellow. So not so, you have to create blue of green and yellow of green to pile those actual things which is supposed to be essentials.
Also, Van Gogh's touch is supported by mixed colours essentially, even if they are not generally totally mixed and certain textures and thickness seem to be more important. Godard surely looks like a mathematician since his accurate maps, Van Goch surely is much more animal so there is an almost opposite difference in style but perhaps we have the common base which we have to create a caluculated purpose or intention first then protruded original ideas must be constructed on the base. At that time, Matisse draws a thing which is not the tree. Then the base is supported by skill. I learned good or bad is not a matter, I did it! is a matter, but I am not sure yet. I feel a slight objection in my mind.

I expect some objections about my thought mainly to free direct speech from the view point of computer languages. I would appreciate it if you could teach me about compter languages from the view point of linguistics. For example, it seems that English language tend to let a signifiant have several meanings much more than Japanese language. I guess it confuses google translation very much. I am afraid that I say this again but I am interested in how freedom itself relates to computers rather than the freedom of a computer. It would seem to be a matter of micro and macro. And also science and philosophy must be separated into certain points in my opinion. As one of the reasons, if a word is signified a single meaning, it would not bother translation programs. As another of the reasons, English language (possibly Indo-European languages) clearly have strong advantages of free indirect speech.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
se unió: 06/06/2018

I doubt if Van Gogh really died at that time.
From Teo's letter, it seems after a painter's death, suddenly the works are rated high then the price rising is not a rare matter even then.
This is a curious story. Don't you think why art dealers did not rate those works high before the death? Then after the death, why do they suddenly rate them as high?
Neither after death nor before death, basically what was painted does not make any difference. Only the story is added to the works. He died at 37.

Even if anyone says anything, this is murder.

In a famous short letter of Freud to Einstein, he has explained and summarized excellently eros and thanatos. I don't know other such a great writing which summarizes such a complicated thought extremely shortly.
The subject is thanatos. The desire to kill somebody and itself.
These are life's inherent natures. Nobody would be able to disable those but physically.
I think dualistic thought is very childish because most matters are not such simple (and it becomes a good excuse to fight easily) but eros and thanatos seem one of the few perfect examples of dualism. Actually it should be trialism, though. Because birth and death are the base of the idea.
I feel the balance of it in a being also keeps changing, even if whichever is superior inherently or temporarily.

Even if anyone says anything, that is murder. Even if Van Gogh didn't die at that time.

Now. If he had not died then, what would he do? He seems to have a quick temper.
But at the same time, very clever. How would those art dealers have treated them?
I don't think they had decent eyes. But they would feel something from their aura.
When they heard of his death, joy must have filled their thanatos. Then they wait a next victim. They cannot forget that taste. Even if they have serious brain damage.
It would appear as aphasia first. They cannot remember. I would like to listen a personal experience about this matter, if you don't mind. If you are young, good-looking, good at anything, in short, are very popular with girls, you would have to be careful. You are an ideal being to fill their thanatos with your unintended-death.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
se unió: 06/06/2018

Lesson 31. I made a minimum model of kensho. Left one is a low-skilled round.
The center one is a kensho-ed round, or rather, a ball. The right is a imo Goch-ed one, plus my temporary idea.
Please let me tell something to someones, later. Since the error, the photo might be upside down.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
se unió: 06/06/2018

And it seems that the resolution of Play Station 3 cannot express the kensho world but PS4 can express it.
But it is curious that I have seen even PSP do express it. I have heard that the resolution of PSP is almost equal to PS2. So it is a matter of accuracy and mystery. This sort of things explain the line between science and philosophy.
Or it might be the line between the Western philosophy and the Southern and the Easten philosophies. Writing, dancing and circular breathing, yoga and zen. And surfing. There is the most modern Eastern style philosophy in the far West. Is it true that there is not the Pacific Ocean on the map used in Europe?

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
se unió: 06/06/2018

Stop whining then become an artist. Anyone can become an artist without a ridiculous paper. But don't make rubbish. Try to imitate one representational painting which you think the best. I think some Vandyke's work is the best. Even if extremely slow, you would be able to imitate the painting if you take enough time. I did it within one hour when I was a junior high school boy. It might take 15 years in your case. You know well that. Does it matter? Even if it took 50 years, do not compromise until it satisfies you. It might be a matter of money but it is not a matter of money. If you cannot see, try to imitate one musical score of one cuban or classical musician. If you cannot hear or whatever else, think by yourself. Refine accuracy. After that, create your own work. Or try to paint a panting of a photograph from the beginning. But never make rubbish. NEVER MAKE RUBBISH. It is a matter of time. I got tired. Do not listen to me. I am going to continue to be a poor man. But it depends on the circumstances of the world. I wanted 458 Italia but I would not buy it. But I do painting, 10 hrs 7 days, if the lowest people must work such long. Because I am the best painter. If you have objection, try to set your painting next to my painting. Let me paint. This is my legitimate right.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
se unió: 06/06/2018

Related to this post.

As far as I know, Picasso is the most evil painter. He is obviously not good at painting. Even most art students would draw better. Perhaps he is a genius in cheating. He earned two billion dollar. And he also seems to have an intention of deflating the prices of (his) paintings. That would mean that "Your Honor, this painting is visible to only idiots.".
Sure some of his works are great, I think. But there are obviously a lot of amusing trash which must be traded with millions. In short, we can understand who were able to see the paintings. They paid millions and still own the trash proudly. There are not much funny things like this. How is the economic effects of this post? It would depend on my ability. Given that one of the stupid owners of his works read this post fortunately or unfortunately, what will he do?
There are several ways that we can guess. No matter what he choose, it will make us laugh. OK, he might admit buying (btw sellers seem to be worse than buyers in a certain sense) such trash, "I was too young to buy such trash.", it would seem to be the cleverest way. But even if he admitted it, that leads other problems. Remember, Picasso is a genius in cheating. Maybe you also are a good at cheating but maybe he is cleverer than you. You might know it if you have seen a real painter. Picasso must have forecasted what you will do, to deflate (his) paintings. Moreover, not only is Picasso probably not artistic frauds. If you can forecast a certain stock price will fall sharply, of course you would sell the stocks immediately, but are you going to sell the trash to your good friend? as a natural born cheat?

Don't misunderstand me. I maybe respect Picasso. He is funny. And I am not sure but I have already written about Picasso somewhere... maybe it was iOS memo app or somewhere... There might be people who already sold some of his works. Have not you heard about that from your friends?