Where to download Trisquel 7?
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Hi, not sure if this is the place to ask.
Got a client with Trisquel 7 (mini) in its laptop and I need to simulate some software installation in order to predict how will that work before going there to do the job - or doing it remotely (more on that later).
Where could I download a Trisquel 7 Mini installation image? Is there an official archive or something similar?
Finally: in the actual situation I'm forced to do some things remotely... What do you recommend to manage that laptop remotely?
Thanks a lot!
I've found two sources in this post: https://trisquel.info/en/forum/trisquel-7-download-link
1. https://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel-images/
2. http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/trisquel/iso/
Could anyone confirm if these are secure/valid?
Thanks a lot.
The FSF one should be valid. You ideally shouldn't be using Trisquel 7 though when there are newer versions.
Thanks for your answer, Beko!
Both sources have the same torrents, so, everything went fine.
Right now doesn't seem like a good moment to try a version-upgrade remotely, without intervention, and letting the user with a box with problems in software daily needed, but it's my intention to do it as soon as possible. Any comments on the version-upgrade with the system GUI default tools? Is it reliable?
Thanks a lot.
Academic Computer Club Umeå University, Sweden, is a legit mirror.
They still have an FTP server.
Mirrors are here.

Adjunto | Tamaño |
ftp_dirlist_accumuse_trisquel.txt | 9.71 KB |
Thanks a lot, !
> Any comments on the version-upgrade with the system GUI default tools? Is it reliable?
I've never upgraded using the GUI tools, but the most common issue people have reported in the forums when upgrading to from Trisquel 7 to Trisquel 8 has to do with the change in default desktop environment from GNOME 2 to MATE. Users sometimes accidentally uninstall the "trisquel" metapackage, often in the process of removing an unwanted application in Trisquel's default set. This doesn't usually cause noticeable problems, but it is important to have this package installed while upgrading from Trisquel 7 to 8, because it pulls in components of the new MATE desktop as dependencies. Users who upgraded without it were left with a broken desktop until they reinstalled it.
Thanks a lot for your reply and information!
In this case it's a Trisquel 7 Mini system, so, the desktop is LXDE, hope that's less prone to issues.
I've tested the version-upgrade process through GUI tools in a virt-manager:qemu-kvm virtual machine at home and everything went fine. Right now I'm in the middle of the process (only thing to mention is that the packages download was notoriously slow) and I expect to finish it tomorrow by night (this is not at home, so, I'm having to go and come back...).
The box in question is a regular by-default installation, so, everything was just vanilla.
I'll inform if things go smooth.
Thanks again!
So far so good, the version-upgrade seems fine.
Only issue is that the "Start button" (trisquelium icon down-left) doesn't do nothing when clicking in "Salir" ("Close", "Exit", I don't know how is it translated in English). But I've been forced to install various programs from different sources (not just the official repositories) so it's probably something coming from there. I'm only mentioning in case anyone else have had a similar issue.
Best regards and thanks again.
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