”Share to other computers” from the NetworkManager

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]

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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

Hello Everyone:
I think the ”Share to other computers” option from the NetworkManager is not working in Trisquel 4.0 LTS "Taranis". It is located in the “Ipv4 Setting” tap section while you are editing a connection where it says “Method”. I use this very often to share may Internet connection from my wireless card with a another computer through the Ethernet using a cross cable.
It works with all the other distros I have tried, but in trisquel it connects and right after it disconnects right away, it just doesn't connect at all.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

quidam just helped me out with this. It ended up that there is a package that is not installed by default in trisquel: dnsmasq-base

Installing this package will solve the problem right away. quidam told me he will include this package in the next release. Thanks quidam.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 12/28/2009

I'm glad fixing the issue was that simple.
