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Will there be the Tokyo Olympic? Strangely enough, I don't really care if we win a medal or not in surfing or skateboarding, but I strongly hope we win the gold medal in soccer.
My friend is in a bad mood these days because Trisquel seems to be freezing up again and again, and when we were talking about soccer, he mumbled with a scared look in his eyes that he doesn't know what he'll do if our soccer national team doesn't win the gold medal. One of his pet theories is that "silver is worse than the last place". I'm not as passionate as he is, but I too want the Japanese national soccer team to do well. I think the women's team has a good chance of winning a medal, but the men's team will have a hard time... However, the motivation of the foreigners seems to be low because of Corona, and my seniors also have been saying that if they win a medal, it will be the first time since the Mexico Olympics, so I want them to do their best.
(translated by a free translation program)
Japan's national soccer team will have a friendly match with Serbia on June 11. Personally, I have a lot of friends and my lovely juniors in Serbia, so I'm really looking forward to it!
I heard that Mr. Dragan Stojković is the current coach of the Serbian national team. He was born in Yugoslavia and used to play in the J-League in Japan. I don't remember seeing him play, but I know him well because I have heard his nickname, Pixie, many times.
Also, one of the forwards on our team, Takuma Asano, plays for Partizan Belgrade. But I just found out from Wikipedia that he voluntarily left the team this month due to non-payment of salary... It's a shame. He is probably the fastest Japanese player. Many Japanese players are quick to reach the top speed (I think because of their short legs), but not many of them are fast at the top speed, but he is fast at the top speed as well. He also had a pretty good sense for scoring goals, but I had been feeling that he lacked the experience to mass produce goals. I found out that he scored 18 goals this season, so he must be got used to scoring, which makes me happy, but it's a real shame because I like Serbia. I'm sure Corona had an influence on the team's finance, and Serbia is not a wealthy country, so didn't he have enough love and guts to endure and stay with them and even die in Belgrade if he got 200,000 yen (that's the average wage of our country's part-time workers) a month? I don't know much about the situation, so I can't say much, but it's pathetic. I'm not a much fan of his anymore.
By the way, is the U.S. soccer team going to participate in the Tokyo Olympics? Considering the recent boom in law changes in the U.S. states, I don't think it would be fair to play them. If there is a concept of fairness, that is. Or it doesn't matter if you win anyway? Sports are no fun if they are not fair. If I start to think about this kind of things, It really puts a damper on the party, though. Well, I guess we'll just give them an another handicap.
Yeah I wonder how it is that we are considering whether or not to hold the event because of the corona, but we are not considering holding the event at all because there are countries having civil wars. Someone said that we should spend money on environmental issues before we spend money on space development, and it's true, isn't it? It's messed up. I think Japan should cancel the event... just saying because some countries are still at war.
So, I decided not to watch the Olympics at all. A so-called political boycott? The athletes won't boycott. They say stupid things such as they want to give courage and hope to the people who watch the games or something, but if people during the war were to hear that, they would be pissed off, saying if you want to give us courage and hope, boycott the show. Even if I saw it, it wouldn't give me courage or hope. It's not like that. I wonder if it's because they're young that athletes like them say stupid things like that. And maybe it's because the media keeps saying those stupid words, and the people who watch TV and become dumb spread those words or concepts. It will never go away.
Anyway, the countries, athletes, and the IOC won't boycott for that reason, so the spectators should boycott. And we won't buy something from the companies that advertised in the Olympics. This kind of thing won't have much effect unless it becomes a big, visible movement and sales drop dramatically after the Olympics, and even if sales drop, it's still troublesome and doesn't mean much (companies can just move to open source without a care in the world or the management just change the name of the company and still remain as the management). But it's better than doing nothing, isn't it?
I'll watch the match with Serbia, though.
But most people around me have one foot in the grave, so this might be their last chance to watch the Olympics, and since it's in Tokyo, I might watch soccer.
I might watch surfing, too.
I might also watch skateboarding.
I might also watch rhythmic gymnastics because there is a girl, she is really my taste, in rhythmic gymnastics. Or rather, I might watch the girl.
In a society where everyone is sane, will there be no need for cryptography?
I have always vaguely thought that people who like to secretly decipher ciphers or create viruses are not popular with (sane) women, but recently I completely understood that they are not popular with (sane) women at all.
It has become like a war between popular men and unpopular men, but human history has always been like that, and the unpopular men have almost always been victorious. Recently, popular men have been strong, probably for the same reason that the Vietnam War was televised and sane Americans hated the war [1]. In other words, the number of unattractive men is decreasing. This is desirable. In a society where everyone is sane, any man would never be considered creepy, even if a certain beautiful woman would not consider him worthy of dating. She would not think he is creepy, or rather she would think he too is attractive as a man... but, yeah, so it still becomes a problem that there are not enough beautiful women all the time...
At the same time, the number of wars is decreasing, and this is obviously due to the fact that the number of sane people is increasing. It seems that some capitalists have realized in the last few decades that they can still enjoy some crime without wars rather than risk having their houses occupied and possibly tortured and killed, and this is probably the biggest factor. I admit that artistic activities (especially movies) have accused criminals, and many men have realized that crime is a shame (although there are still many unattractive men who don't feel shame in living like they are deciphering codes behind each other's backs)[1]. But the capitalists "compromised" by being able to commit crimes against only a few people once in a while and slight risky, rather than always 100 people or killed is the biggest reason why the number of wars has decreased (after a few thousands years, finally...), I guess. I mean, while he could drive a Porsche or Ferrari and indulge in drugs and sex in his vacation home, he couldn't suppress his desire to put a bullet in someone's head whenever he felt like it, knowing the risk of losing everything, is worth to note.
[1] For example, if a movie showing a man beating up a woman does well at the box office, the fact that so many people have seen it has shattered some men's desire not to admit that it's an embarrassing thing.
Who supports the violence over humans or animals to reach an objective
I saw a movie a long time ago starring Leonardo DiCaprio where he commits a crime and infiltrates a gangster organization in some sort of plea bargain, but I can't remember the title. What was it? P... P... P something.
All of them have very high technical skills and experienced, rarely lose the ball easily. Mistakes are few.
The positioning of everyone is well-timed, especially the side-backs who keep a balanced formation from both wings, and one of them is cute, my taste. You are almost always pushed back. Even when you do get the ball, they use their agility to their advantage and get surrounded very quickly. It's like slow motion compared to how fast they surround you. The center backs never lose sight of the top players and don't allow them much freedom. The passes they make while surrounded are usually inaccurate, so after you get the ball, you usually can make only one or two passes, rarely three in a row. They can dribble and shoot from midfield and forward. They have one forward who is overwhelmingly good, probably one of the few best players of the world, and cute, and you often lose our numerical advantage locally.
In these days, they have always won by five or six goals. It's like Munger's WiEle.
If you were the coach, how would you try to win?
Seriously, I'd like to ask a European-born soccer fan. How do you try to win?
Acupuncture is so interesting and pleasurable that I can't stop doing it once I start. Of course there would be acupuncturists who can accurately apply acupuncture needles to other people's acupuncture points, but there are probably very few of them, maybe only a few or a few dozen in the world, I guess (I believe some of them must be visually impaired). I wondered if one was the one who knew one's best after all, although I don't think you can tap it at your back or it's hard to tap. At least for now, the 2 mm needle is enough for me. Very satisfied. By the way, this is the acupuncture needle I made. I cut off the tip of an interdental brush that I got from the dentist and attached the needles to it with instant glue. I think I'm genius... that I can tap it from the top and pick it up easily. The con is the handle is plastic, so it's hard to burn it with a burner, but I think I'll be able to improve it and mass produce. I might sell it. I wonder if there would be any trouble if I didn't sell it as disposable.
Acupuncture is really dangerous, so if you do it, please do it at your own risk. The 2 mm short needle (円皮鍼) can be purchased in Japan without permission. Those short needles are regarded to be safe. Those short needles don't even seem to reach the muscles. But ordinary acupuncture needles are several centimeters long, and they can pierce your lungs. In China, they use much longer needles. If your wife's stupid son doesn't read my post carefully and wants to get acupuncture and accidentally sticks a 6cm needle in his gut and dies, it's not my fault. It's not my fault if the stupid guy got a circular skin acupuncture needle in his eye. Suing me would only make you lose and will be a waste of time. Please study Chinese or Japanese and learn about acupuncture before you start. Western experts basically look down on acupuncture and I don't think you can get any decent material about acupuncture in English.
The network was unusually (really unusually, it was comfortable (or rather, normal, really), really) stable for the past few weeks, but now it's almost unusable, Again.
I'm wondering if your Trisquel system is also not connected to the network like this. I can barely stand it because it's half private, but it would be completely useless at work, seriously. Free software is always like this... isn't it? I've been using Replicant for a while now, but it's always very slow and freezes up frequently. I wouldn't recommend it too to anyone for work.
What's wrong with it is that the developers seem to know exactly what kind of trouble is happening.
It's half work, rather than half private, so can you please do something about it? Why doesn't this kind of problem happen with iOS? If it takes only within a minute to do something while it takes 10 minutes to do the same thing, it's useless at work. Don't you do think so? I got used to see this screen.
One of my seniors was saying that a certain wave information website has been telling a lot of lies lately. They say there are no waves when there are, or say there are when there are not. I don't know why they are doing such a thing, but if they are going to do this, don't they need to pay their customers back?
I don't use paid wave information sites now, and anymore. I do use a free wave information service that provides some information. It's true that the accuracy of the information, especially the forecasts, by the service is often poor. But since it's free, I can't complain.
It seems that they are eligibles of weather forecaster. That is a national qualification. If they are going to write lies, I think they should limit prediction mistakes to once or at least twice a year. If they can't do it, then it's just arrogance to do it, isn't it? Shouldn't they do what they have to do best before telling someone else something? I've learned in my work from my bosses that if a person does it once, you can still feel safe, but if he does it twice, you should be suspicious.
Even if they does it seriously, they miss wave predictions dozens of times a year, and if they're intentionally sending out misinformation, I feel they're doing something they shouldn't do something they should do after done what they're supposed to do if they do.
I think they don't have the mettle to do a job like guessing all the forecasts perfectly for a year. And even though they don't have that kind of spirit, they seem to be doing something arrogant as if they know everything... Is there something I'm saying wrong? I don't want to pay for it anymore, I don't pay for it, so which is fine though.
Worse than that, Replicant is of course a phone OS. I wonder if it will work properly when someone calls me in an emergency, or when I want to call someone in an emergency. Because it hasn't worked properly like this.
It's the same with Trisquel, some people might send me an email when it's urgent and I can do something. Even if I didn't get the email because of this persistent network problem, no one will take responsibility for not being able to help my precious people, right?
Is this something I shouldn't be complaining about? it's a communication tool. I'm not sure. But go ahead. I don't expect you to take responsibility for that kind of things happen, so don't worry. You have Disclamer.
I am saying if the wave information site thinks that you should look at the weather map and think for yourself instead of relying on the wave information, then they are arrogant if they haven't learned enough to not miss the forecast first. I'm going to be persistent in saying that I spent my entire daily life trying to become a manga artist. Literally entirely. I've lived for decades always thinking about manga. Everything was related to manga. If you've been thinking about the weather that seriously (then taking money), and you're doing that, then I can't say that you're arrogant.
Isn't that that means making money, or being a professional? Ha ('3').
I wouldn't say this if I was having the same network problems with iOS. If I use it at an emergency, I shouldn't use Replicant?
For example, if you were to refund some money if you missed a wave forecast once, wouldn't you take it more seriously? Or are you always working so hard that you don't change your attitude at all? So you can afford to lie about it?
If you have to refund, you would not do that. Free software...
It's not just about Japanese waves, it's about such as weather maps and actual waves in other countries, or wave information in other countries, and on and on. It's an endless job if you start.
And you can't complain to me unless you're doing until that. I wonder how many of you are that devoted to wave information? I wonder if there's even one? Is there anyone who can tell me right now how about just in Honolulu, Snapper, Barcelona, Hassegow and Huntington, or what the forecast is for tomorrow?
Or is wave information just a living tool for you that you don't need or want to do that much? That would mean you don't enjoy doing it. You don't enjoy doing it, so you lie about it and play with it? Well, it doesn't really matter because there are all kinds of people, though.
In Brazil, there were suicides due to soccer. In Europe, there are games like the one between Dinamo Kiev and the Nazis. There would be many more such stories in powerful countries. Supporters watch soccer based on such history. They cheer for the team of their country or their birthplace on the history. Supporters of weak teams like us are inferior in that sense. I'm not saying that it's okay if there are dead people. If there is a company that buys recordings of friendly matches of other countries at a low price and offers them to supporters for 2-300 yen a month, needless to say though supporters will become more familiar with soccer and that will directly lead to the strength of the Japanese national team, and there would be no other country that has such a company, so it will be an advantage. It makes me mad that they think that getting stronger is not as important as robbing money in the system, but showing good will on the appearance.
Because... You don't have any professional regret or embarrassment about missing a prediction once, do you? Or are you so frustrated that you want to punch the ground?
I have told a certain professional soccer player that if he couldn't take soccer seriously, he should quit playing soccer, and he looked at with murder in his eyes. I think he was serious about soccer, like my everything was related to manga. Are you serious about wave forecast?
OK, I might be able to show you a better, funnier, "educational" wave information service. I got some inspirations. I think it makes the staff too fun because they can be in the sea while they work. Which means they can surf (or they have to surf) while they work unlike your services. Probably your staff is reporting it from the land, not from in the sea, AFAIK.
The reason why your "educational" attempt looks poor is, simply put, maybe because everything is half-baked. If you compare my service with yours, maybe it will be easier to see your thought that you might be just doing wave information because it makes money, and you're just trying to "educate" people just upon the pure business attitude. (So half-baked)
I think I can make something more interesting with the way you use the camera, the way you report, and the way you analyze the waves. I also think that we should not be so picky about waves. However, there is already an overabundance of information, and cameras have been set up everywhere, already. So, it might be a good idea to pursue it thoroughly.
The problem is that I (too) am not particularly passionate about wave information myself, but I'm sure there is someone out there who is and has been surfing for more than a decade.
Maybe they send information from in the sea by special water-proof devices (including tweets), analyze the waves, terrain, and wind (e.g., the number of sets that entered each peak (not each "point") every 10 minutes), and combine that with the information from the fixed-point cameras. The customer would be able to easily watch only the video of the sets. Keep a record of it in 10-minute increments. For example, they can easily find and watch only the video of the set between 12:00 and 12:10, or between 15:30 and 15:40 of today, or yesterday, or a few days ago. Keep the videos for several years. The video and the weather map of the time when the set is supposed to have been created can be viewed at the same time, "etc".
To accumulate information on the direction of single wave, where it came from, and how it broke, so that customers can study something from the piled info easily and at their own will. Fin
You seem to be reporting half-baked info and educating with half-baked attitude. Maybe it comes from your thought that it is merely business.
I was educated that if I did a half-baked job, I would be better off not doing it at all. Fin
Thank you. Network is normally stable at least now. It is normally comfortable, at least now. I don't need to power on my iPhone and Wi-Fi, at least now.
Probably I still cannot normally watch videos on the individious instances, though. I would like to watch other countries international friendly matches to normally prepare for the Olympics. I have to watch at least The South Africa's games normally... and France's, Mexico's if possible...
It was still the same as usual as expected. How can you spend three hours to watch a 30-minute video normally? Do you want to watch a soccer game where you get disconnected every few seconds? I'm watching the usual spinning circle rather than a video.
But I was surprised that when I clicked on the invidious download button, the download failed after a while as usual, but when I clicked on the retry button, it started downloading the rest of the video instead of starting from zero again as before. This was a bit of an amazing evolution...
But of course it doesn't do auto-retry, so you have to take care of it by pressing the retry button often yourself.
By the way, when you try to watch a soccer game (which I can't always do, though) and search for videos, you get a barrage of related videos, right? And of course, sometimes you wouldn't want to know the result of the match, right? Can someone please exterminate those unpopular idiots who write the match result in the title, or who upload fake videos of PES or FIFA games that they play? Is it really impossible to eradicate them from the earth? Or, I wonder if they're not idiots, and if they're doing it with something healthy intentions? I wonder if there are women who do that kind of thing.
ちょっとそこら辺考えた方がいいんじゃないですかね。それはオレは誰もがまず一本マンガ描くべきだと思ってますよ。でも本来ほとんどの人にとって面白いものを作れるかどうかってのはほとんどもう生きている間に、もしくは死ぬ間際にやっと、死力を尽くした人生の上で、かろうじて出来るかどうかのほとんどが負ける勝負っていうのが現実でしょう?んでそれを認識するのが謙虚さな訳でしょう?オレだってそういう絵画が1枚描けるかどうかみたいだと一応思ってますよ。演劇しかなければ劇場から帰っちゃえば観なくて済むけどインターネットだとそういうわけにもいかないからそういう近親相姦みたいに醜いものが目についちゃう訳じゃないですか。だから不衛生なカオスみたいなものを感じるんですよね。その情報氾濫したカオスでそんなパソコンない時代にやってたみたいなことやられても... なんか間違ってんのかなあ。潔癖すぎる?別に害ではないのだろうか?よくわかりません。
I think Brecht's ostranenie was easy to understand in a way. It forces the audience to think a certain way, right? But I think that's only possible if the work itself is interesting and outstanding, so it it was not interesting first, it's meaningless. There is a world that has been powerfully constructed with great precision, and that kind of stain forces the audience to think intensely, right? I don't read many books, and I don't read many manga either. I can't read a book unless it's interesting, and there aren't many interesting works, are there? At one time of Dragon Ball, Slam Dunk, and Kyoko Okazaki were thoroughly interesting that I can remember almost all the lines, but I can't remember almost any of the other works. As for novels, Ryu Murakami was enough for me, and as for movies, I've watched most of the ones mentioned in Cinema 2 out of necessity, but there were very few that were interesting enough to remain in my memory. Fellini, Godard, Kubrick, and Ozu were always interesting. But for example with the Hawks, I can only remember Hatari! As for music, I can't listen anything but only salsa anymore because those are too low-level.
If you don't make a strong work like that first, and then do something like ostranenie... I think that only imitating effects like ostranenie in a boring, low-level work is not only poor and meaningless, but even harmful, how about that? I think it's a bad effect of the (further) flood of information by the Internet. I think it's because of the flood of information that such things have become harmful. Even when there were only movies and plays, probably there were still a lot of boring works, but because they were boring, they didn't remain. But with the Internet, they remain, don't they (laugh)? It's like a lot of people are doing the same stupid things that the media used to do by monopolizing information, and it's literally chaos. It's not clean. It's fine if it's interesting, but it's not interesting first.
I think we need to think about that. Yes, I think that everyone should draw one manga work first. But the reality is that for most people, whether or not they can make something interesting is a game that they can barely win while they're still alive, or when they're dying on top of your life that you've devoted your life to. And it's humility to recognize that reality, isn't it? I also think that it's like if I could paint the one. If all you had was theater, you could just leave the theater and never see it again, but with the Internet, you can't do that, so you see ugly things like incest everywhere, so even if you don't want to see it, you see it out of the corner of your sight. So I feel an unhygienic chaos. I don't know if it's wrong or not, but I'm not sure. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong. Too fastidious? Is not there any harm in it? I'm not sure.
The concept of ostranenie should be reconsidered in the age of the Internet, as represented by Youtube, where the everyday is no longer the object of ostranenie, but the flood of images itself is the object of ostranenie, which is decidedly different from the age of television, where the people are the creators. In a way, this is a reversal of Deleuze's comment to Hitchcock that "he made the audience into a kind of character," creating a new situation. I mean, it has already become a situation that ostranenie does not aim daily life anymore but the image itself, on what it itself depends.
盲目の人が子供を作った場合どうなるのだろうと、いまここで調べてみました。”盲目 遺伝”でDuckDuckGoで検索しました。
Translation of the above post:
I've been doing acupuncture every day. I can't stop myself from getting acupuncture needles, or I just feel like getting acupuncture needles here at a moment's notice. I've learned the names and locations of three meridians.
I've written before that acupuncture is suitable for blind people. I've also written about this before. In fact, during the 400 years of the Edo period, many blind people formed communities as masseurs and had strong political power. Some people may be afraid of having acupuncture, except moxibustion, done by a blind person, but I personally think it is more trustworthy than most acupuncturists who seem to be doing acupuncture and moxibustion with no particular talent or motivation, but with a national license.
I think everyone agrees that being blind is one of the toughest handicaps in this world. But for them, being blind is normal, and they seem to be used to it already. It seems that they might have a desire to be able to see, but they don't so much care if they can't see. Also, I've heard that many people have been cheated by surgeries that claimed to make them see, so they seem to be wary of that kind of talk. I am speaking about people with congenital blindness in mind.
I'm here now to find out what happens when a blind person has a child. I did a DuckDuckGo.onion search on "blindness genetics".
There was a digest of the September 2016 issue on the National Geographic website. They didn't let me read the full article (buy the book for the rest of the story if you want to read the rest), but it seems that research on stem cells has been progressing quite well, although I'm not sure if they are ES or iPS cells. There have been a few cases of surgery as well, and here's tlanslation of the Wikipedia article in Japanese:.
"On August 29, 2019, Osaka University announced that in July it performed a transplant operation of a corneal sheet created from iPS cells for a woman in her 40s with corneal epithelial stem cell exhaustion, a condition in which the cornea becomes cloudy due to damage to the epithelium, the outermost part of the cornea [69][70][71][72][73 ]. The woman had been blind in both eyes, but after the surgery, her eyesight was restored to the point where she could read books and newspapers [69][70][71][72][73].
On June 11, 2020, a specialized committee of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare approved the implementation of clinical research at the Kobe Eye Center Hospital in Kobe, Japan[74][75]. Under the plan, sheets of retinal tissue containing light-responsive photoreceptor cells will be transplanted into the eye from other people's iPS cells stockpiled at Kyoto University."
Also translation from the Japanese version of Wikipedia:.
"At 6 p.m. on October 16, 2020, the Kobe Eye Center Hospital held a press conference to announce that it had performed the world's first transplantation of optic nerve cell sheets made from another person's iPS cells into the eyes of a woman in her 60s living in the Kansai region [76] [77] [78]. According to the group, the transplantation of three sheets of photoreceptor cells, each 1 mm in diameter and 0.2 mm thick, took about two hours. According to the group, since the transplanted sheets are very small, it will be difficult to significantly restore vision, but they will confirm safety and other factors over the next year, with the aim of establishing a treatment method in the future[76]."
And one more article from the same page:
"On February 10, 2015, a research group from the National Center for Child Health and Development (NCCHD) and others announced that they had succeeded for the first time in the world in creating optic nerve cells with nerve fibers (axons) from human iPS cells (induced pluripotent stem cells), and at the same time published a paper in the electronic version of the British scientific journal [123][124]. The successful cells are optic nerve cells that connect the eye to the brain, and have an axon extending 1 to 2 cm from the cell body. The research group established a method to differentiate the cells into optic nerve cells by first culturing them in three dimensions and then switching to planar culture over the course of about one month, and confirmed that the resulting optic nerve cells have functions as nerves by electrical reactions. The research group says that this research is expected to lead to the development of therapeutic drugs for glaucoma-related optic nerve damage and optic neuritis, as well as to the elucidation of the pathogenesis of diseases that affect the optic nerve[124][125]. "
These two surgeries appear to be aimed at people with intermediate visual impairment, not congenital blindness people.
It derailed a bit but what I wanted to say, and I sometimes talk about this with my seniors, is that visually impaired people may be more likely to develop senses in other sensory systems than people without visual impairment. If some wild animals were congenitally blind, it would be almost impossible for them to realize that they had a serious handicap. However, in humans, people born with congenital blindness would realize as they grow up that they have a serious handicap.
Since they cannot rely on sight to gather information about the outside world, they must rely on other sensory systems, such as the auditory and tactile sensory systems, and no one except the opponents of evolutionary theory would argue against that it is reasonable to think that their sensory systems must be superior to those of humans with functioning vision. It is also reasonable to think that the perception of a handicap would make them more sensitive to information from other sensory systems because they must have thought that "It seems that blind is a serious handicap..." when they were very young.
I think I am probably more perceptive to other people's meridians (経絡). This is because I have been told that I am a good masseuse. Even if it is not so exaggerated as to be a meridian, I somehow feel that if I massages someone here, the one must feel better than if it were just an inch away. Well, that might be normal for everyone, though.
The sensation that we feel when we are massaged has nothing to do with sight. It's because the tactile sensory system receives that information. And when I give a massage to someone's somewhere, the information I base on where I should push is that I feel good when I am pressed there. Since I have functioning vision, sight is almost always the most important source of information about the outside world. However, since blind people do not have functioning vision, they should try to gather as much information as possible from other sensory organs because they know they have a handicap so they must make up for the handicap, as I mentioned earlier. For example, we don't pay much attention to wind unless it is blowing quite strongly. However, I believe that some blind people feel the strength, direction, sound of the wind, and possibly even the sensation of the sands against their skin more acutely than those who have a functioning sense of sight. I don't have such a sensation that I can feel the sand blown by wind.
If their sensory organs are more developed than those of sighted people, and if they are more actively aware of the information they get from their sensory organs than we are (which must be probably a normal part of their daily life, I guess), then I think their sense of meridians should also be more acute.
Returning to the question of whether blindness is inherited, a quick check shows that it is sometimes inherited and sometimes not. Let's say a blind woman and a sighted man get married and have a child.
It is not important now whether the child is blind or not, but what is important is that the blind woman must have developed sensory organs other than the visual organs than sighted people, and these developed sensory systems may be inherited by the child. It seems to me that there is a strong substrate of one evolutionary mechanism here.
Biological speaking, certain functions of certain species seem to have a tendency to degenerate and disappear as they become less necessary. The human tailbone is a good example; we no longer need it, but most primates have a well-developed tail.
Vision is probably the most important organ for most organisms, and the idea of lacking it is terrifying to us. However, we humans can help each other survive even when our fellow humans are blind. If an African herbivore is born blind, almost all of its individuals will probably not live a full life span. It is even possible that the parents will abandon them.
To get back on topic again, for example, if your hearing is vastly superior to that of a normal human being, you would have a huge advantage when playing soccer, for example.
If there are any acupuncturists who are confident that they can help me regain some of the hair I lost due to this time allergy, please email me, really.
I watched the England-Canada match video at Stoke City in April. 0-2 Canada won, but both goals were mostly own goals. Was it some kind of a British joke? It reminded me of the match which was held 11 years ago. In that match, the Japanese men's national soccer team showed off a better sense of gags than England, and this game may have been kinda revenge in a sense. I think England's number 11 was the best and gentlest. She looked pretty big, but it was strange how agile she could move. England lost the match, but I think they had more offensive options than Canada.
It means that the players understood each other better than Canada.
The BBC broadcasted the match cleanly, gently. The Japanese women will play Canada in the first match and England in the next match at the Tokyo Olympics.
I forgot to mention that I thought that the Manchester United coach is a beautiful woman, and I definitely want my future wife to grow old beautifully like her. Otherwise, I would lose something important... right?
edit: typo
When it comes to pickles, I was mistaken. After I had let leeks and carrots at room temperature for a couple of days, they seemed to have fermented, but probably were not fermented. They just soaked up the salt. I had been eating it, saying "it is super tasty!" or something, and writing here about how good it made my body feel. But I also thought it was a bit strange because there were no white bubbles which should appear as the internet says. Then without a much second thoughts, I tried soaking it in salt water, not salt, and white bubbles came out and it fermented. It was sour and not very tasty, but it might be good for my body. I wonder if it was a placebo effect that made me feel better.
1:01 細かい事ですが久保が右サイドにいてディフェンスは離れ気味なので、2番(酒井)は最初のタッチでダイレクトに右に深いパスを出すのがタイミング的にベストでしょ。ボランチ(多分遠藤)が中に入ってきていて堂安と19番と合わせて3人いるからサイドからクロスを上げたほうが当たり前だがかなり得点の確率は高くなる。結局2番からの遅めの久保へのパスは自分へのリターンをよこせという事で、2番は遠藤の走るコース(どころか遠藤自体)を見ていないから遠藤とカブり気味になっていて走るコースを変更しようと中途半端な迷った動きをしている。結局久保はサイドに出しどころがなくなり中央に戻して(多分田中は)トップにボールを入れるがディフェンスは厚くてボールを奪われる。2番が最初のタッチでダイレクトで深くサイドをエグッていれば(言い換えれば自分に戻せと主張するよりもチームが何をしようとしているかとか止まった状態で中央から崩すよりもディフェンスが戻りながらサイドからクロスを上げられるほうが嫌だとかを優先するならば)中央でゴチャゴチャやるよりも普通にフリーで打てる可能性は高い。もしくは久保の力量とディフェンスが一人しかいない(一対一)を考慮すれば自分が囮になって久保が利き足でのシュートを打ちやすくするようにも動けたはずだ。細かいけれどこういうところって突き詰めてんだろうか?オリンピック直前なのにこんな事をまだやってるのか。こういうのを周りを全く考慮していない自分勝手なプレイと呼んではいけないのだろうか?
About the U24 match against Honduras the day before yesterday.
1:01 I know it's a small thing, but with Kubo on the right side and the defense separated from him, the best for the timing is that No.2 (Sakai) would be to make a direct deep pass to the right (to Kubo). The mid-half player (probably Endo) is coming inside, and with Doan and No.19, there are three players in the penalty box, so it is natural to cross from the side to make the higher chance of scoring than attacking from center area. In the end, the slow pass from No.2 to Kubo was abosolutely meant to be a return to himself, and since No.2 didn't see Endo's running course (or even Endo himself), he overlapped with Endo's running course so had to confusingly attempt to change his running course. In the end, Kubo lost places to pass to the side and moves the ball back to the center area (maybe Tanaka), and Tanaka passes it to the top (No.19), but the defense is too thick and we lost the ball. If No.2 did pass to the deep right with his first touch (i.e., if you want/have to put a priority on what the team mates are trying to do, or the fact that defenses mind to be crossed up while they are running back than breaking down from the center in a stationary position, than insisting Kubo should return the pass back), it is more likely to get a free shot than messing around in the center area. Or, given Kubo's ability and the fact that there is only one defender (one-on-one), No.2 could have used himself as a decoy to make it easier for Kubo to shoot with his dominant foot (It should be his favorite play). It's a small thing, but I wonder if the No.2 really pays attention to the miss. It's right before the Olympics and they're still doing such a thing? Can't we call this kind of play selfish?
I'm watching a Serbia U21 vs Brazil U23 game right now. As usual, at about 10:47, Serbia's right back is defending away from the Brazilian left wing at a quite distance, and a long lob from a Brazilian center back came through. It became one-on-one and Brazil got a corner kick.
Before the Brazilian center back had the ball, the left back had the ball, and the Serbian right back, reasonably, approached the Brazilian left wing. The Brazilian left back then passed the ball to the center back, but as the ball develops in the center, the Serbian right back again moves to the center, away from that Brazilian left wing.
By the way, at the back on the opposite side, the left back of Serbia is not so far away from the wing, so it would be hard to pass a lob.
Maybe Brazil has noticed that this Serbian right back can open up a lot of distance from the Brazilian left wing if the ball is just deployed in the center. In boxing, if your opponent is unguarded, you hit his face, right? Seems to be the same thing. I'm sorry to say this all the time, but this means that if you keep the ball, you'll be able to carry the ball deep into the opposition's territory almost 100% of the time. Isn't that right? If you can settle the ball down under pressure and let the opponent set up their usual defensive formation and carry it to near of the center line, you can always aim for the empty side.
With 4 backs system, you can always aim the enemy's weaknesses, and targeting weaknesses is a basic strategy. In this case, it came down to a corner kick, but in my feeling, a corner kick makes a goal in about 1-1.5 out of 10 corner kicks, so in terms of probability, one corner kick generally equals one shot.
Can someone please tell me why they defend so far apart? Seriously.
If I was a player, I definitely "always" will aim the weak-point, persistently. Until the opponent fixes it, but they won't.
I have asked my old boss, "Do soccer players too have to be smart to play soccer?", I asked.
The boss mumbled that "A soccer player only needs to be able to play soccer.".
> "I have asked my old boss, "Do soccer players too have to be smart to play soccer?", I asked.
The boss mumbled that "A soccer player only needs to be able to play soccer.".
Not true. If you can fake an injury with real tears and real screams of pain - then you can be a top international soccer player.
I can't remember what it was about, but I think I posted a thread on Trisquel Users recently about something. Maybe 2 days ago. But that thread seems to have been deleted without my permission.
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