about printing

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

Hello guys. I got a printer that is listed on h-node. It is a Canon MP510.

Would anyone know if it has the printer tracking function?

And I want to print my works on postcards. I already printed them, more than 100 postcards, but I cannot put a picture on the exact center of a paper (148mm*100mm). I tried to print them from GIMP, and Eye of MATE, and an other software which I forget the name.
I can change/modify the position (but it usually does not allow me to do it not much degrees, or sometimes it is 0 degree, though, please check the attached screen shot) or its size on those printing software, and those software have the function something like "centering" and I always use it, and check the preview, it seems to be OK, but printed things are always not on the center of the paper. To be precise, about a certain work though, the left and right spaces are equal, but the top and bottom spaces are not equal. How to put it on the exact center?

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A rejoint: 08/11/2014

Would anyone know if it has the printer tracking function?

You can check it with a blue light. You can also use one of the following tricks to check if the dots appear :

Making the dots visible
By design, it’s nearly impossible to see the dots with the naked eye, so you’ll want a way to magnify any page that you want to inspect.
Using a microscope or magnifying glass with magnification power of 10x or better to view a blank part of a printed document should allow you to see the dots, if they exist.
If you want to make it easier, use a bright blue LED flashlight in a dark room, which should turn the yellow dots a dark blue or black.
If you have a good quality scanner and a graphics program that can zoom and invert the colors, you can also find the pattern, which should repeat itself throughout the page.

source: https://eu.azcentral.com/story/money/business/tech/2017/06/09/your-printer-tracking-you/379755001/

And I want to print my works on postcards. I already printed them, more than 100 postcards, but I cannot put a picture on the exact center of a paper

This can be related to built-in margins in the printer's options. I faced this problem once while printing cd covers. First check if the margins are set to 0 in Trisquel's parameters. If the problem persists, you can try to disable the built-in margins by printing from the commandline :

lpr -o page-left=0 -o page-right=0 -o page-top=0 -o page-bottom=0 ファイルネーム.pdf

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

Thank you. I was searching the built-in margins setting in the printer's option you say, I could not find it, though, while I was doing that I modified some things which did not seem to be related to the issue in the printer's option. Then somehow the issue was a bit fixed. Not the exact center, but it became nearer to the center. Almost center. I might try to disable it from the commandline when I got the issue again with print of other works.

> You can check it with a blue light. You can also use one of the following tricks to check if the dots appear :

I was thinking about something like online tracking. Anyway mine seems not to have the function. Still imagining the people planning this kind of a function and actually implementing it makes me tired very much. That's enough. Do we have to associated with them until the end of our life.