Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart
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Hello! It seems that my installation of Abrowser will not "Show my windows and tabs from last time" when I restart the browser.
The proper settings are made in "Preferences".
Any ideas? Anyone else have this problem?
Thanks for your time!
I'm running Abrowser 29.0 by the way.
Try deleting the sessionstore.js and sessionstore.bak files from your Abrowser profile directory. You should be able to open it from Abrowser by clicking on Menu -> Help ("?" icon) -> Troubleshooting Information -> Profile Directory - Open Directory.
Hello rakyi. I only see "sessionCheckpoints.json". In this is "{"profile-after-change":true,"final-ui-startup":true}".
I had the same issue IIRC, but I tried several things and don't remember exactly which one worked...
Try resetting all browser.sessionstore settings in about:config. You can access it by typing "about:config" in the adress bar and searching for "browser.sessionstore". Then right-click on all values displayed in bold text and choose Reset.
Or you could try toggling the setting to not remember and then back to remember... computers...
rakyi: No "browser.sessionstore" are displayed in bold text
lembas: Tried it-no change

Well, here are some suggestions including few of which I have already posted:
I really can't remember how I solved my issue in the end. If nothing described there works, the problem might be in the Firefox itself. In that case you may just wait for a new Abrowser release. If you decide to reinstall Abrowser, you should purge it instead of just removing it. Use:
sudo apt-get purge abrowser
sudo apt-get install abrowser
You may also check if the preferences folder was removed and delete it manually if it persists after purging Abrowser before installing it again.
Edit: Grammar.
As an aside, I downloaded and ran the latest .iso. In the live session, the installer had issues. The program ran well up until the partitioner. Although my hard drive was listed, the area where partitions are usually shown was blank (I had previously partitioned for swap and /). Likely not relevant to my Abrowser issues, but I thought I'd mention it. I ended up using the text installer.
28.0 in Trisquel 6.0 works correctly. 29.0 in Tirsquel 6.01 does not. 29.0 in Trisquel 6.0 does work.
Does it work if you make a new profile?
Close all abrowser windows and then open a terminal and input
abrowser -P
Then set the pref to retain tabs and see if it works.
Thank you lembas, but no joy. "session.js" and "session.bak" are still not in the profile directory, and the tabs are not saved.
Interesting... I have neither of those files and it works for me FWIW.
I just burned a new copy of Trisquel 6.01. The default Abrowser is 28.0. It works for me. I upgraded to 29.0. It still works.
I'm going to reinstall Trisquel and see if that fixes the issue.
Back in a bit!
Well, it seems the installer on the live dvd is still not recognizing my hard drive, although gparted does. I didn not reinstall as of yet.
Why are you reinstalling? That's too much work for something simple like this. Just create a new Abrowser profile by running:
abrowser -profilemanager
Choose to create a new profile, and it should probably work.
Thanks Legimet, but I've tried that and it still doesn't work.
How about removing ~/.abrowser?
I've since replaced the hard drive, and all is well.
"sessionstore.js" and "sessionstore.bak" are present. Windows and tabs restore as they should.
Anyone need a 250GB paperweight? lol!
Thanks for all your help.
I am insane, or can a faulty hard drive cause this kind of "program specific" problem?
I don't know if I had this problem previously, but I've had it ever since I reinstalled Trisquel yesterday.
It's only a minor annoyance for me, since I normally don't prefer to return to what I was doing previously and I would only normally retain tabs when restarting for some add-on. But it's still very odd.
For the record, this reinstallation deleted everything, including everything in the Home directory.
I too have this issue now, and I tried all the suggested methods above, but could not get Abrowser to restore tabs from last session :(
I cannot afford to do a new installation of Trisquel as this laptop is being used for mission critical work. I really appreciate if someone clould provide more pointers on where to look for or what to fix etc. Thanks a lot.
Edit: Abrowser version is 29.0
Are you guys cleaning your history?
I just tried as you suggested by clearing the history, and also creating a new profile. But still problem continues.
And I noticed that I am unable to bring back tabs I close by pressing Control + Shift + T
In addition to this, "restore previous session", "recently closed tabs" and "recently closed windows" are inactive in my history menu.
Hello lembas.
I did not clear my history. This problem, for me, stopped when I installed a new hard drive. Strange I know, but there you have it. The installer (run when using the live cd) also didn't work properly until I installed the new hard drive. Perplexing......
I just noticed something: the problem is more general than previous tabs not being remembered. Regardless of what it's set to do, Abrowser 29 on my machine *always* starts with a blank page. Meaning, while I can go to about:home just fine, I don't ever get there when Abrowser starts up even though it's supposed to.
OK, here's something really bizarre: the problem randomly fixed itself!
Just after I posted that comment, I closed my session (which had 3 tabs open) and started a new one, hoping to check the "restore previous session" option. Just then, I was directed to the NoScript home page, like it's supposed to do when you install NoScript, and I got the pop-up that's supposed to show up when you first install HTTPS Everywhere. Now, I get the homepage like I'm supposed to when Abrowser starts.
That's most probably due to profile resetting.
Hello all!
I've been able to replicate this problem after fiddling quite a bit with my Abrowser profile (mostly testing a lot of add-ons).
The solution that worked for me (restoring both the proper operation of the "When Abrowser starts" option and the Ctrl + Shift + T shortcut, maybe others) was to switch the "Start Abrowser in a private browsing session" option found at the "Privacy" tab of the settings on and back off (a couple of Abrowser restarts will be necessary), at which point the behavior went back to normal.
I reckon this is more of a workaround than a proper fix, but still, I hope it can help others with this problem.
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