Add wallpaper

10 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 05/16/2014

Hello guys. How can i add more wallpapers? I see, trisquel changes automaticaly, so, where are the system folder?


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A rejoint: 07/27/2012

If you are using Gnome, right-click on the desktop and select "change desktop background". There you can add your own wallpapers if you want or change to a different existing one.

The default system wallpapers can be found in /usr/share/backgrounds

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A rejoint: 05/16/2014

I see. So, the background change every day. How can i alternate the frequency?


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A rejoint: 07/27/2012

I have no idea. I have never witnessed a behavior like this. Are you sure you are not using an application which does this for you?

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A rejoint: 05/16/2014

I have a new question. How can i change my wallpapers randomly without download a software? When you choose a new background is possible use the default wallpapers randomly. I want do it in my wallpapers.

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

I guess one way would be to make /usr/share/backgrounds a symbolic link to your wallpaper folder.

You need to be super user to operate in /usr. Use the ln command to make links.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Searching "wallpaper" in the Synaptic package managers returns quite some solutions: Wallch, Cortina, DesktopNova, etc.

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A rejoint: 03/26/2011
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A rejoint: 05/16/2014

Thanks to everybody. And thank you icarolongo you solved my question. But i thought was more easy... Well, i going to install a virtual machine and try this solution.

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A rejoint: 08/22/2013

One alternative is to use feh.
$ apt-get install feh #Install feh

Create this file, name it whatever.


delay=10           #Timeout between image switch (seconds)
directory=~/Images #Directory with files

while true; do
    #Add '--recursive' in order to include sub folders too.
    feh --bg-fill --randomize $directory
    sleep $delay

$ chmod +x FILEPATH #make it executable
$ cp FILEPATH /usr/bin #refer to the file only by it's name not the full path