Alternate Tube Redirector
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How do I get Alternate Tube Redirector to work with current instances of
Caleb Herbert
(816) 892-9669
If it doesn't allow you to specify a different instance, you could switch to Privacy Redirect.[1] It lets you choose which Invidious instance to redirect YouTube links to. It also lets you redirect Instagram->Bibliogram, Twitter->Nitter, and Google Maps->OpenStreeMaps
Privacy Redirect looks very nice. I like how it even handles Twitter
and Instagram. I've been having to open those in an unmodified Firefox.
Half the time, I don't even use Abrowser anymore. I hate the Web.
I noticed Privacy Redirect has the option to proxy all videos through
Invidious. Would such a feature make the following user script redundant?
// ==UserScript==
// @name Youtube to Invidious
// @version 20190114
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Script written by Muhammad M. Imtiaz
// To the extent possible under law, the author has waived all copyright and
// related or neighboring rights to this work under the terms of the
// Commons CC0 1.0 Universal licence. If a copy of the CC0 was not
// with this work, You can obtain one at
// .
var tags = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for(var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
attributes = tags[i].attributes;
for(var j = 0; j < attributes.length; j++) {
attribute = attributes[j];
attribute.value =
attribute.value.replace(/^https?:\/\/([^/]+[.])?youtu([.]be|be[.][^/]+)/, "");
Caleb Herbert
(816) 892-9669
That looks pretty cool. I always just did that thing where you take the unique digits from the youtube url and put them in an url. Like a youtube video at, I make the url
Looks like the extension would save me time. Pretty cool. I don't click on instagram or twitter links, and look up my own map stuff.
> I always just did that thing where you take the unique digits from the youtube url and put them in an url
That works too. What I like about the extension though is that it even redirects YouTube videos embedded in other webpages, embedding an Invidious source instead.
> I don't click on instagram or twitter links
So do I for the most part, although friends occasionally send me links to some pages I have to admit I enjoy:
This works really well! Works on mobile too.
On Mon, 3 Aug 2020 05:48:22 +0200 (CEST)
name at domain wrote:
> If it doesn't allow you to specify a different instance, you could
> switch to Privacy Redirect.[1] It lets you choose which Invidious
> instance to redirect YouTube links to. It also lets you redirect
> Instagram->Bibliogram, Twitter->Nitter, and Google Maps->OpenStreeMaps
> [1]:
Thanks for this nice add-on! Do you know any add-on that can remove
tracking parameters(e.g., utm? etc.) from links?
I remember somebody has told me once but I forgot.
Neat URL will do that, I use it, it's GPL:
That one looks good, looks like it strips off a wide variety of referral trackers.
Do you mean "with an instance that will not shut down on September 1st"? You may try to file the feature request:
However, it looks like the project is not maintained anymore:
We may have to choose among the many alternative free software add-ons providing a similar functionality:
If you try some of them, I would like to read your feedback.
I use LinkTube with the following changes which works for embedded links (redirects YT to Invidious, Twitter to Nitter, Instagram to Bibliogram, Reddit to and redirects to mobile websites of and
Just rename .txt to .js and install using Greasemonkey.
Pièce jointe | Taille |
scratchpad-nitter-bibliogram-2020-08-04.txt | 9.06 Ko |
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