Amazon force HMTL5 canvas accept Abrowser

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 06/23/2019

Hey Trisquels Folks,

I introduced myself in my previous msg in case you missed it.

Amazon is forcing HTML5 canvas data access on Abrowser:
1) I enter credentials
2) Hit Ok
3) A 0.5 s frame appears allowing something auto

I managed to capture the screen

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Amazon-canvas-allow-force_2019-06-24.png39.16 Ko
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A rejoint: 06/23/2019

oups, I posted an incomplete msg.


Is there a way to configure Abrowser through config properties to block canvas access? I couldn't find any property for it.

Have a great sunny day,

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

For all sites? You may be interested in (there exist other addons for the same purpose).

To manage the permissions of a given site, you can visit it and click on the icons at the left of the address bar.

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A rejoint: 01/12/2017

In regards to canvas configuration, you could type "about:config" in Abrowser's address bar and then just use the search bar to search for "canvas".

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A rejoint: 06/23/2019

ty for your hints. They did not do the job, Amazon is freeking smart.
I succeeded in another way, I disabled js on login page et voila :-)
cheers mates!