Android sdk platform tools: where to download

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A rejoint: 07/30/2022

Hi free software community,
I would like to install android tools to flash my new phone but the version in our repository is pretty outdated. Does anyone know whether the version offered at is free software?
If it is not are there other sources where I can get an up-to-date version of android sdk platform tools?

Thank you,

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A rejoint: 12/10/2013

It is proprietary. As you can see from the license on the webpage, it restricts the freedom to use the software for any purpose (Freedom 0): "You may not use this SDK to develop applications for other platforms (including non-compatible implementations of Android) or to develop another SDK."

Which tool are you looking for? Fastboot? I would just try the version in Trisquel. If it turns out you need a newer version, you can try the version in Debian, but I'm not sure if it will work on Trisquel.

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A rejoint: 12/20/2021

I recommend you replace all your computing you do in your phone to your computer with Trisquel GNU.


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A rejoint: 08/18/2020

I used heimdall and adb from trisquel to flash lineageOS 18.1 and replicant 6.0004 without any problem. I can't remember whether it was after or before upgrading to trisquel 10, so even older version.

About "outdated software": I used for about 2 years the Libreboot version from 2016 and booting never failed. With the "stable" version from July 2022, it sometimes stalls (still a minor inconvenience, I just power off and power on again, until it works) and I have used it only for about one month.

That is just one example but I guess it is not rare that older versions have less bugs. If you don't need new features and the older version works, you may have a better experience with the older version.

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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

Hi Avron I read this tread only now.
I need to use Heimdall with my old Samsung note 3 hlte, how to use it
in Trisquel? my laptop only run Trisquel 10.
Thanks for your help


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 08/18/2020

"sudo apt install heimdall" to install it then you can follow LineageOS website instructions to install the recovery image.

Or are you asking about something else?

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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

Thanks Avon but the instructions in the lineage os site for my phone
are about using odin in windows. how to use heimdall in Trisquel?


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 08/18/2020

I found that has instructions with heimdall but this is referring to a recovery from 2020. I don't know what the difference between this site and the site on, so far I only used the last one.

On, there is an indication to ask on #lineageos on (IRC) or on reddit. You could try asking there whether it is ok to use heimdall and the heimdall command that is indicated in

If it is confirmed, I guess it is best to use this command but rely on the info on for the rest. In any case, read the whole wiki page for installation at least twice before starting, try the install when you have a clear mind (not tired). I made mistakes more than once.

Good luck !

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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

thanks Avron! the second link have all the istructions I need! now is possible the recuperate all the data and the pictures from this old phone


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A rejoint: 07/30/2022

Ok, I see. Yes, the license was also what kept me from downloading it.

I'm looking for fastboot & adb. I'm just going to try the Version in Trisquel, although it is from 2016.

As always, thank you for your helpful answers :)

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A rejoint: 03/15/2020

"I'm just going to try the Version in Trisquel, although it is from 2016."

I recently was using fastboot and adb to try out PostmarketOS on a Nexus 5 and the funny thing was that I couldn't get them working on my Manjaro system but on Trisquel was able to use them without issue. They may be old but if they work then good enough for me.

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A rejoint: 10/14/2022

I flashed a few phones using ADB tools from the Tresquel Repo. I had zero issues so far.