Apple tried to hire Linus in an attempt to kill Linux

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 05/15/2011

This is why I don't buy apple products:

"The founder of Linux was invited to Apple HQ in Cupertino by Steve Jobs at the turn of the millennium, where is was invited to join Apple and work on (what would become) OS X.

The lure? ‘Unix for the biggest user base’.

The catch? That he would have to stop development on Linux, a condition that led Torvalds to flatly refuse the offer."

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/01/2011

>This is why I don't buy apple products
Sure it is

And if Torvalds would have taken the offer, the kernel may still be in use today, or maybe Hurd or another kernel would have risen to glory.

Also, I know exactly where you go that link from.

Adrian Malacoda

I am a member!

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A rejoint: 12/26/2010

OMG Ubuntu isn't exactly the most savory site. Here's a better cite

What would have happened is most likely that someone else would have taken over or forked it. Linus isn't the only person leading development of the kernel.