Black hat, grey hat, white hat hackers or crackers?

7 réponses [Dernière contribution]

I want to make Uplink-like (but free as in freedom) game about crackers. But I want to include two sides of hackers/crackers (and grey hat).
But I have a question. Black hat hackers or crackers? Grey hat crackers or hackers? White hat crackers or hackers?
1337 is a language of hackers or crackers?

stas730 (non vérifié)

P. S. Maybe, the main game server will be called "Red Hat Central Cracking System". Another hat. :)
Maybe, I will add these missions:
Black hat missions:
Level 0: "Steal a file from Red Hat Test System"
Level 1: "Delete a file on system"
Level 2: "Copy a file on system"
Level 3: "Copy and decrypt a file"
Level 4: "Crack government database and change records"
Level 5: "Crack and destroy a computer"
Level 6: "Crack an international bank"
Levels 7-10: storyline
Level 20: "Infect all possible systems in the Internet"
White hat missions:
Level 0: "Restore a file from backup"
Level 1: "Trace a cracker"
Level 2: "Trace a cracker (with deadline)"
Level 3: "Trace a cracker (with log changes)"
Level 4: "Crack a bank and destroy malware"
Level 5: "Find an owner of a large cracking corporation"
Level 6: "Crack anonymous network and find cracker"
Levels 7-10: storyline
Level 20: "Destroy a botnet and save the Internet"
Grey hat missions:
Level 10: "Crack Red Hat Central Cracking System and steal agent list"
Level 20: "Destroy the Internet after destroying a botnet" — :)

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

hehe, tx for the magique lulz :D

stas730 (non vérifié)

0. After (website for the game)
1. Before (maybe, it is better to crack Ryzom servers and steal the world)
2. Before
3. Before
4. Of course, before. If the worm will won, most of all computers will be destroyed and most of all software will be destroyed too. Including this game. Including GNU. Including FSF.


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A rejoint: 04/09/2014

Butter or saltine crackers? I believe the butter crackers would be favorable to most, however some like saltines in soup I suppose.

But first how to free the ingredients used to make the crackers? I suppose if the farmer growing the wheat is using a Mac to track his harvest cycle we should destroy his farm (and him along with it) which unfortunately means no crackers for anyone. However no crackers is a small price to pay for forced freedom.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010


stas730 (non vérifié)