calendar in thunderbird

1 réponse [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 02/22/2022

I was looking in Trisquel 10 with KDE for the calendar in Thunderbird.

I couldn’t find it.

Is there a possibility to add a calendar in Thunderbird?

I installed the gnome calender but it has not much features.

I installed the KDE Organiser but it doesn’t work.
Akonadi couldn’t load.

(I will try to install akonadi-calendar tomorrow, if that is possible.
I don’t know it that will solve the problem)

Are there other options to use some calendar in Trisquel in which I can
write several events?

Will Thunderbird in Trisquel 11 Aramo have the calendar?

Kind regards


Magic Banana

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Hors ligne
A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Trisquel has Icedove, a rebranded Thunderbird with privacy improvements. Whatever Trisquel's version, Icedove has a calendar. It is accessible for instance clicking on the third icon in the vertical panel at the extreme left of the window.