Can icedove/thunderbird 45 access openmailbox?

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

As we all know, Icedove 38 couldn't access openmailbox. Have anyone tried with 45 and what were the results?

Also, is version 31 still supported (security updates only, not new features or anything). Is it considered safe to use?



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A rejoint: 07/24/2013

Works perfectly for me :)

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

Thanks! If I may ask:

a. did you had the issue with version 38 (not being able to connect) and it simply solved by updating to 45?
b. where did you get version 45? compiled from source, ppa, etc??



I am a member!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2013

I'm using Debian testing at the moment so that is how I have 45.

I did just now install IceDove 38 in a Trisquel VM and had no problem connecting to openmailbox.

Sorry can't help more

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

What the heck...? Just a few days ago version 38 was unable to connect to and actually it had been like that for like... months now, ever since I started with 38 I was forced to use webmail for my openmailbox account. BUt now it works perfectly.
Thanks for the help, maybe it got fixed in some recent update and I missed the news :)
