Can't update youtube-dl

8 réponses [Dernière contribution]

I am a member!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 06/19/2015

I can't update youtube-dl and am trying to get a video.

Could somebody provide a direct link to the WebM of for me so I can download it?


I am a translator!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 01/11/2011

Try here:


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 07/07/2017

> Could somebody provide a direct link to the WebM of

Why not use Invidious? You can either right-click the video while it's
playing and select "Save Video As" or use the "Download" button.

Dmitry Alexandrov
Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/07/2019

Cal <name at domain> wrote:
> I can't update youtube-dl

Why? It works for me.

> Could somebody provide a direct link to the WebM of for me so I can download it?

YouTube can. No, srsly, they are not really concealed:

Dmitry Alexandrov
Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/07/2019

I again bumped into Drupal, which eats substantial parts of my messages, did I? Okay, here’s a simplified copy:

Cal <name at domain> wrote:
> I can't update youtube-dl

Why? It works for me.

> Could somebody provide a direct link to the WebM of for me so I can download it?

YouTube can. No, srsly, they are not really concealed:

» let ytInfoUri = '/get_video_info?&format=json&video_id=' + new URLSearchParams('v');
» let ytResp;
» fetch(ytInfoUri)
.then(resp => resp.text())
.then(text => { ytResp = new URLSearchParams(text); });
» let playerResp = JSON.parse(ytResp.get('player_response'));
» playerResp.streamingData.formats
.filter(i => i.mimeType.startsWith('video/webm'))
.reduce((acc, elt) => acc.height > elt.height ? acc : elt) // find max height video
← ""

As you see, returned link is restricted to my IP address, so no one else can.



I am a member!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 06/19/2015

I received both messages. What language is that? JavaScript console?

Dmitry Alexandrov
Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/07/2019

Cal <name at domain> wrote:
> I received both messages.

Sure you did, if you read the list in a proper MUA, not via Drupal interface at

> What language is that?

Lispy ECMAScript 6. :-)

> JavaScript console?

Yep, F12 in Mozilla’s browser, when the page in question is opened.

But please note, that I was _not_ suggesting you to write your own tool by reworking my scrawls; just tried to show clearly that Youtube is not so DRM’ed as one might to think.

I believe, there should be plenty ready-to-use Webextensions on AMO or Greasemonkey userscripts, that do the same work. Never used them, however, as youtube-dl(1) is much more universal (it supports hundreds of public and private video hostings, you know) and already integrated into mpv(1).

P. S. I have to ask again, why do you mail me only? Do you believe, that our dialogues are not worth to be public? If so, let me disagree with you at least in this very case. In any event, feel free to remail my answer to the list as well.


I am a member!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 06/19/2015

Your signature does not show up in my quotation when I hit Reply.

P. S. I have to ask again, why do you mail me only? Do you believe, that our dialogues are not worth to be public? If so, let me disagree with you at least in this very case. In any event, feel free to remail my answer to the list as well.

I thought it was going to the list. I just switched to IceDove recently
and thought reply to list was default like in Evolution.

You may repost all this to the list. I don't know how, and I don't know
what all has been missed on the list.

Dmitry Alexandrov
Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/07/2019

Cal <name at domain> wrote:
> Your signature does not show up in my quotation when I hit Reply.

Postscriptum, you mean. Hm. Yes, that seems to be a default of many useragents. Thanks, it may worth to rethink my habit of including anything repliable into P. S.

>> P. S. I have to ask again, why do you mail me only? Do you believe, that our dialogues are not worth to be public? If so, let me disagree with you at least in this very case. In any event, feel free to remail my answer to the list as well.
> I thought it was going to the list. I just switched to IceDove recently and thought reply to list was default like in Evolution.

Yeah, almost any of MUAs is an UX hell. Sane default is ‘Reply to all’, but I don’t know any program besides Gnus, that sticks to it.

> You may repost all this to the list.


> I don't know how

That’s funny, but it seems that Thunderbird by itself indeed does no provide you a way [1], you have to install an extension [2] for that.

> and I don't know what all has been missed on the list.

Besides this one, also <name at domain>.
