Cinnamon - again

5 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 02/18/2016

I used to use Cinnamon DE but for now I'm trying out xfce. It's pretty ok but I just miss Cinnamon. I'm also using Mate - just to get used to it, when Trisquel 8 goes beta. But it just isn't the same. I would really like Cinnamon DE on my Trisquel.

I know I can just add a ppa and install from that, but I would really like to ensure that I can keep trusting the software and I'm dreaming of Cinnamon DE as a package in the Trisquel repository.

I have no near the knowledge necessary to do whatever is needed for this. Is there anybody out there who can help - at least to begin the project of preparing Cinnamon for Trisquel? Of course I would like to contribute in some way.

On my bleeding knees...

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A rejoint: 01/02/2017

I do not contribute, but in my personal experience I learned that one should never exchange the functionality for the beauty of anything. I tried many DE, but I can't stay long away from MATE. If you like cinnamon, you might as well continue to use it. If you really want to take a dip in some other DE, you might as well go for it. Not looking back.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

Hmm, Trisquel doesn't have it? Had no idea.
Well, the easy way, if you are ok with running a non endorsed but libre distro is you download the Debian Cinnamon ISO.

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A rejoint: 02/18/2016

But I also really, really like Trisquel. So, my wish is Cinnamon on Trisquel.

Can you help me?


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

Well, there is no much choice u got there. Either you add the ppa and install it from there or you compile the sources.

I used cinnamon for a few months and I do remember it as quite a pleasant DE. Rather slow compared to say Xfce, but that's another question. May I ask you what is it exactly you like about it that you miss in other DEs? What is so special about cinnamon? If it is only the sexy looks I think you can get mate to look quite like it, or Xfce, or GNOME.

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A rejoint: 02/18/2016

I'll start a new topic on this