Codecs MP3, AVI, MPEG etc.

9 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 03/18/2012

I'm a new user to Trisquel and *Free Software* as defined on

As far as I know MP3 and many other popular video and audio formats are considered non-free (at least I thought they were).

Thanks to OggConvert and other similar programs I can easily convert my files to free software. But doesn't the act of doing that enter a grey area?

Could clarify why I can play mp3s at all out of the box in Trisquel.

Thanks in advance.

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A rejoint: 03/26/2011

See: FFmpeg: Legal status of codecs (Wikipedia)

Trisquel is from Spain and GStreamer FFmpeg plug-in (Wikipedia) is free software.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 01/11/2011

The decoders are free software but they are patent encumbered (i.e. you need a patent license to playback the file in some parts of the world).

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A rejoint: 03/18/2012

Thanks aloniv,
I've been converting my files to Ogg Vorbis audio and video formats anyway which removes any need for silly licenses.

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A rejoint: 03/18/2012

Thanks icarolongo.
that was exactly what I was looking for.

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A rejoint: 08/19/2012

Since I am in the United States, does that mean I can't "legally" use Trisquel, because I haven't paid for a WMV, MPEG2, etc. license? Maybe Trisquel could ship without those codecs, so Americans can use it without being copyright infringing pirates :)


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/23/2011

If you really want to know ask a lawyer.


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A rejoint: 09/01/2011

More like patent infringing pirates

It's funny, the community designed the software with our own code, but they're still able to control our use of it.What an absurdity!


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I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 02/25/2010
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A rejoint: 05/15/2011

I just use VLC, but doesn't that use different codecs than Totem which is Gstreamer?