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If you have something you want to say, don't you think all you should do is to say what you want to say, simply, directly? I have said this some times a long time ago and I also got used to say something indirectly in this forum though. I remembered that I hated it, inherently, because I am a stupid simple man. If you did not say something you had to say when you should have said, does it create something like a guilty conscience and is that the cause of this kind of eternal rotten-old-ladies-like communication? like their eternal backbiting? I wonder.
You don't need to say too many words. Like Hani-Bi.
>If you have something you want to say, don't you think all you should do is to say what you want to say, simply, directly?
That is exactly the point of communication> clear, brief, sincere.
People do the diametrically opposite though: they suffocate each other with endless, meaningless chatter. How else would they make friends? Think about it.
What would happen if two average Joes communicated truly at some point?
They would cease 'being friends' immediately.
So the answer to your question is> Absolutely. But I am no average Joe. I am special.
>I am a stupid simple man.
Now you are doing it. You are not. And you know it.
cheers o/
Love that movie. And many others of the great Takeshi. Soulful.
He turns violence into poetry
It is Hana-bi. Not Hani-bi. Hanibi means special kind of light which is used for grand funerals of those great people, you may know.
When I was young, I got to know Jacques Mayol said something like "I want to live in the water rather than on the land, this is not a lie.". I did not understand his feeling then. Recently, I finally thought the same thing as him. Tom Curren might think the same too.

Nice pic!
Are you saying that if you want to have sex with a stranger, you should simply approach that individual and tell them directly? Tact, artfulness and indirectness are not necessarily negative things.
There are many reasons why one might be refused by the opposite sex.
Why Bach at here?
I am currently obsessed with this particular piece, and thought somebody might also enjoy it.
What package do you use for command line word translation between languages?
> I am currently obsessed with this particular piece, and thought somebody might also enjoy it.
I see.
> What package do you use for command line word translation between languages?
I use Google translation. Because there is no free translation software as far as I know. If you know some good one, please inform me.
cool, thanks.
Instead of translating to and from Japanese, what alterations would I make to the scrips if I wanted to translate to and from, say, French?
The values of the parameters l1 and l2 in the query string (in the URL).
Probably tens of millions of Japanese have seen this message. If everyone donates $3, it will be $30 million. Presumably billions of people around the world have seen the message. It is $3 billion if everyone contributes $3, so they can maintain Wikipedia for three years is their claim. I wonder how much Mr. Stallman will earn from the contribution.
It is written that "98% of people pretend not to see this message" in Japanese. I cannot say this is a polite way of asking. And if 2% of people have contributed $3, they would have been earned 30 million dollars. It seems to be enough money to maintain a website. Am I wrong?? Or does that cost so much money to run a website? I don't know.
Thanks for the language translation help guys.
DO NOT donate to wikipedia. Although wikipedia likes to maintain an image of integrity and neutrality, it is deeply rooted in silicon valley and is controlled by the plutocracy. is the best alternative that I know of.
I always donated to them every time I got the spam. I wonder who I donated to. I don't care about such a thing very much though.
If you do not answer the questions, I think you are not eligible to criticize people for not listening others saying or something. If you want people to listen your preachment, answer the question first. But if you are great enough, of course you have the right to force others to do anything you want. You do not have to apologize, you do not have to explain, you do not have to care about what others feel. OK, I will obey you. You are always right. You can always demand absolute obedience from anyone without explanation for the sake of others. Bullshit. Stamp others' heads.
Sneaking away from the losing arguments by incomprehensible difficult words which uneducated farmers cannot read might be better than ignoring or other sneaking manners, and might be useful sometimes, if you cannot bow anyway. I always win in arguments because I always rely on my common sense so such a sneaking manner would be useless for me from the beginning though. First of all, I do not like such things so I cannot do that anyway. "I" cannot do that. You can do that. So I have to do that... I wonder how can you be so sneaking. A certain lady said that "That's men's... stubbornness"? I want to say a lot of things about your living way but if I can say just one thing, it is old-fashioned.
Anyway I definitely want to refuse faggy communication with fags. Creepy.
Don't do "Attention please" to men if you are not a woman! I'm busy looking at the girls behind you at this moment! Fuck off!
edit: typo
I myself have donated to wikipedia, only a few years ago.
Since then I have learned about them. Politically charged topics on wikipedia will echo the narrative of the US empire. Topics and people get banned if they get noticed for opposing the narrative of the US empire. The rules governing the regulation of contributors are so loose such that anybody can be banned from contributing. The image of collective contribution is misleading. Most of the contributions are made by a very small number of contributors who do it full-time. It is in fact centralized.
By the way, Star Wars is the worst as an art? work. It was painful to accommodate myself to the recent... something. I wonder if there is a person who synchronized with the woman (I forgot her name or even her role) crying and saying "Luke...". If you sympathized with her and even cried, I think it is too late. It is a symptom. As same as not recommending non-free software, I think it is better not to mention that kind of pathological works. The communication of those characters is perfectly collapsed because of the collapsed scenario. They have to move and talk according to the collapsed scenario so their communication must be incomprehensible. They keep talking incomprehensible things each other so if you think you can understand what they are doing, talking, I think it is too late. The actors are the most pitiful beings because if they are praised their performances while even they do not understand what they are acting or talking in the movies, they would not be able to understand what a good performance is. But of course they will never mention such a thing publicly. Just smile and thank you very much. World Trigger belongs to the same recent pathological trend. One Piece too. Readers are reading the incomprehensible story like a robot and this is no laughing matter. Because especially kids often learn ways of communication from art works then if characters are communicating with something incomprehensible words each other, the kids would think that a way of right communication without understanding and with maybe slight doubt then by a natural process we can see there are lots of incomprehensible communication everywhere. So Deleuze writes that schizophrenia is a common disease in our society. Almost all conversation sounds schizophrenic. I will write about the detail of the worst unforgivable way of creating World Trigger later but it is difficult to write even in Japanese language. I can't be arsed to do it now. Anyway I think it is better not to praise Star Wars or other criminal works. You are involved in the crime, really.
Edit: Typo
Are you referring to the original StarWars trilogy or the new ones?
I don't remember well where the heroin cried and said "Luke...". You seem to be familiar with StarWars, because I did not understand the meaning of "the original StarWars trilogy" when I read your post. In which part did she cry and say "Luke..."? Because I have not watched some newer parts, I suppose.
I'm familiar with the original trilogy: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of The Jedi. Those were good. The newer ones I don't like and am less familiar with. It sounds like you are talking about the original trilogy, but I cannot be certain because I have stopped following the StarWars movies.
I just don't know the name of the heroin. And I seem to have lost interest in the issue. I don't care anyway whether people watch StarWars or not. I don't understand at all but I suppose it is important for them to watch it. So keep watching StarWars eternally as they wish. I got tired.
Princess Leia?
I don't know. I am not going to watch them again unless I am a kid. Even if I was a kid, I might not watch it. So please find and ask someone who loves the film.
As a clue though, she did not look like an African for sure, and was speaking English anyway.
And maybe she is a Christian.
That race people must watch 20-, in the worst case, 40 minutes trailers at the beginning of a DVD with the same vacant faces as when watching its main content, without doubt or rage. Give the money back!
By the way, I think what makes women laugh is mainly intelligence and sense and, the above all, courage and imagination and love and I hope I can still make your girl friend laugh far better than you. You may feel the rage that you did not feel when you were watching through the 40 minutes trailers and its content though.
Perhaps why Deleuze does not even mention the name of the movies in his books Cinema 1 and 2 is based on the issue of cliché.
a quotation from Cinema 2, annotation Chapter 1, 36:
"What D.H.Lawrence speaks in defense of image and writes great text about is Cezanné. He shows that, how parody cannot be solution, how even pure optical image with emptiness or divides cannot be solution. In his opinion, Cezanné wins with still lifes above portrait paintings and landscapes against cliché. (Introduction à ces peintures. Etos et les chiens. Bourgois. p.253-264).
We have seen the same can be said about Ozu before."
In my opinion, except about Ozu, it is the other way around. Cezanné wins with landscapes above still lifes against cliché. For him, still lifes are merely a way of demolishing our eyes which are tired of seeing clichés. I have already explained how it works. Even just mentioning a name of a cliché, you are involved yourself in the crime. Surely, criticizing those garbage with time and plenty of words does not seem to work well as solution. But if so, what can we do? Should we keep making parodies just because there does not seem to be a good solution? That seems to be a worse move. We have seen that the parodies of the empire of justice eventually just made the fascist fat president. They would never remove their fancy costumes of the empire. It must get worse with the criticism. I got tired. I don't understand well what I am writing... Why I am writing such things... I want to do surfing... So, keep watching StarWars and the trailers as you wish...
Do you smoke weed? It would be advisable for you to reduce your intake of drugs which are known induce and exacerbate states of psychosis.
Did not you say read carefully or something, you should? Catch & release. Haha
Take this pill for your confusion.
Oh how boring remote slow rap battling with anonymous fat nerds is. Igo players admit defeat to proclaim their losses when a match was settled. Upvoting and run away is equal to some kids messing up the stones on the board and run away from there. It does not seem to be a adult's behaviour.
By the way, some fat seems to have a little bit lost weight. Keep it up. Some novice Japanese monks have a certain exam when they join to the temple (not one of the plenty of business temples). They do not eat anything, drink anything for a month. It seems to be a bit slower pace than theirs. Fat is bad anyway, fat is... as you started to think about it seriously. Physical strength is the base of most of our...
How about playing PES manlikely if you prefer online so much? I am quite strong. Usually score 3 points at least. You would not get bored with the matches. It is a bit sorry for not be able to see your face when the match is settled though.
Oh you have several accounts? I have ordered another account from the moderator of here but he ignored the request. I envy you.
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