Connecting to wifi

16 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble connecting to our home wifi. I am running Trisquel on a Thinkpad T400 with a Thinkpenguin USB wifi dongle based on RTL8187B chip (that's what lsusb says, anyway). The process goes like this:

* try to connect, get a dialogoe asking for password, enter password but "OK" is greyed out
* go into network connections -> edit and change connection type to "WPA2 personal" and enter password
* try again -> it tries several times to connect and fails each time
* delete all the wifi connections and set them up fresh
* it starts saying "cannot find connection."

Sometimes, at some point, it works. Sometimes, if I reboot, it works. Struggling to see a pattern. It connects to the network at university with no problems (WPA2 Enterprise).

Any help appreciated.



I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/23/2011

I'm pretty sure your not entering the correct password, and the password isn't long enough. Thats why the button is greyed out (not of the minimum length to be a valid password). If you type something a bit longer (anything at all... random data is OK for testing this theory) I bet that button is no longer greyed out. I would also double check the security settings match that of the router for which you are selecting.

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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

In fact, the button is clickable with less than the full password, but is not clickable when the full length password text is entered. I know the password and settings are right as it connects fine on other distros. Any help very welcome.

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

Maybe this is a localization issue? Try making your password just alphanumeric (no "special characters" !"#¤%& etc)

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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

Thanks - I've selected "show password" numerous times and checked that the password is correct.


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/23/2011

What happens if you disable security on the router? Does it work then? It's a peculiar issue. Sounds like a user issue as opposed to a hardware problem/compatibility issue/configuration issue/etc type of problem. More info would probably help. Have you tried testing from a live cd? I'm not really sure what kind of configuration change might cause this off the top of my head.

Maybe your entering the wrong password, connecting to the wrong router, have caps lock on, or similar? I know you said you checked, but could you be connecting to or attempting to connect to the wrong router? Maybe a router with the same name or a similar name? Though I'm not sure that would result in the described issue.


I'm wondering if maybe it is expecting a certain length due to the encryption selected (ie hex vs text password). Rather than being too short it's just not entered in the right format.

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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

Thanks for your reply.

It's difficult to disable security on the router, as it's not my router.

Happy to provide more info - could you be more specific as to what is needed, please?

Will try a live USB stick and see what happens / report back.

I am connecting to the correct router, using the correct password. There are no routers with a similar name.

Numerous other devices in the house connect without problems.


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/23/2011

I don't doubt it. It might be an issue with the router too. I've seen systems working fine, but other systems be unable to connect. Restarting the router has solved the problem in the cases that I'm thinking of. The live USB stick test would be “more info”. That would be a good start. At least it would rule out certain types of configuration changes/issues that might cause the problem (though I can't really think of what configurational change on the end-user side might cause this still).

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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

Sorry for delay. I'll see if I can persuade the person responsible for the router to let me have a look at the settings. I restarted the router earlier, and am also typing this from the live environment. It worked OK. Will try installing again (I tried some other libre distros). Appreciate thoughts and your time.

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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

Have re-installed Trisquel and it seems to be working fine atm. Thanks for thoughts.

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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

The fault seems to have cropped up again. The fault exists both in the live and in the installed Trisquel environments. Tails consistently connects with no problems. Attaching dmesg output from all three environments. Grateful for any thoughts.

Pièce jointeTaille
dmesg trisquel installed.txt 93.55 Ko
dmesg trisquel live.txt 86.12 Ko
dmesg tails.txt 87.81 Ko
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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

So I rebooted into the Trisquel installed environment and the wifi worked (just to spite me?). dmesg output at (cannot attach file as LibreJS seems to be blocking). Grateful for ideas on what is going on.

Pièce jointeTaille
trisquel installed (working).txt 87.63 Ko
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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

OK, so it did attach the file. :-/

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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

Staying with the folks over Christmas - they have the same router, so will be interesting to see if the fault is reproduced.

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A rejoint: 11/17/2014

Seems to be working OK at my folks', so I guess I need to speak to the guy responsible for our router.

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A rejoint: 04/19/2012

I'm not sure if I can help you with your network issues, except maybe
for self-diagnosis:

- Wireshark can occasionally be useful for determining issues, e.g. if
the AP and your computer are successfully communicating or not.

- You can run the "nm-tool" command from your terminal for information
about the networks reachable by your computer and what frequencies
they are on.

- "iwlist frequency" will give you a table of frequencies vs
channels for your adapter.

- Disabling DHCP and allocating yourself a static IP address will rule
out DHCP issues (which can be possible if you have incorrectly
configured DHCP, have multiple routers in your house, etc.)

Let us know if you find a solution to your problem.


Hors ligne
A rejoint: 11/17/2014

Will do, thanks Andrew.