Cont.: suggestions for trisquel mini

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/01/2010

Sorry to not respond directly to the running topic, but I only just
signed up. I have been looking through the lists.
I am quite interested in the idea of a lightweight Trisquel - the
existing one never quite caught on with me, but this looks more like my
I would assume that the intended result is something along the lines of
I personally like that Fluxbox has very easily readable config files,
so that would be my recommendation for that reason. I would go on to
suggest Vattery as the battery monitor, but I don't know if that is
available from the packages.
For an editor, I would suggest Medit, which has a strong syntax
coloring and other nice features like a pop-up terminal and a file
browser on the side. Using something like Leafpad is wrong, IMO - an
editor without syntax highlighting is, at best, a notepad. For a
terminal, I usually use Xterm, because it is extremely snappy, but I
also like Sakura - because it is useful for copying and pasting. It is
very much like Xfce's Terminal, but not depending on heavy libraries.
For now, it looks like the suggestions have been leaning towards GTK2
applications. So maybe including something like gtk-chtheme for
administering the GTK2 theme would be handy. I am personally partial to
Gajim because I only use Jabber for IM, but it might of course be
practical to include a client which could do more protocols. IRC could
be serviced with a link to a terminal and Irssi or Weechat.
Now - is this intended mostly to be used as a live system or an
installed one? Personally, I think that email clients are pointless on
live systems, but if it should be included, I would say Claws is good -
if it is themed, it can look nice.
I wondered why Audacious didn't come up - is it too heavy on the deps?
If Abiword is packages with the plugins, it should be able to handle
most files.


Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér * name at domain
Trisquel-users mailing list
name at domain


I am a translator!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 12/28/2009

Please break statements up into paragraphs. It makes comments easier to read. :)

"I would assume that the intended result is something along the lines of

The developers have almost nothing definitive, actually. There's always a lot of consensus to be reached for lightweight distributions.

"I wondered why Audacious didn't come up - is it too heavy on the deps?"

It's a heavy-ish program in general. And it had problems working even in the main version of Trisquel, which is why it was pulled for 3.5.

"Using something like Leafpad is wrong, IMO - an
editor without syntax highlighting is, at best, a notepad."

That's correct, but it's not necessarily problematic. The number of serious coders that use even gedit instead of a full-blown application like ViM or eMacs to do their work must not be very large.

"Now - is this intended mostly to be used as a live system or an
installed one? Personally, I think that email clients are pointless on
live systems, but if it should be included, I would say Claws is good -
if it is themed, it can look nice."

I've always used webmail myself, but some users prefer a dedicated application. Even Damn Small Linux (sic) has one, Sylpheed.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 02/26/2010

What you said is in some parts just and notable.

However, when you considered leafpad to be a bad choice, that is just because another editor should be used for coding. This, though, should be user dependent. I mainly use geany, a lightweight coder, since i only write in c. Other editor can be included as well. You may propose them in the main topic.

I will add your suggestions to the main topic.