Customizing Taskbar

14 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 11/07/2009

Hello. Is there any way to remove the "popup" that occurs on the taskbar when opening a window (browser, email, or any application).
I've included a screenshot. I'm using 6.0 with metacity.
I'd like to either remove it completely or prevent it from bisecting my row of application icons.
Thanks for your time!

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Screenshot from 2013-07-18 03:57:44.png331.46 Ko

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/27/2010

This does not look like a popup, is it really one or does it stay there for as long as some windows are open? It looks like the standard button-based application list, I don't remember the name of it right now.

You should be able to remove it or move it to somewhere else just by rightlicking on it (or to the space left of it). This may be tricky since your bar is so full.

If rightclicking it doesn't work, create a new taskbar (it will come out "naked", with nothing on it) and add plugins, applications starters, etc. as you wish. Then the problem should be solved.

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

Don't forget to hold Alt (if you're on Metacity) or Alt+Super (if you're on Compiz) while right-clicking it.

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

Ewww, I saw a facebook tab there! Thanks, now I must go shower myself!

Suggest you unfriend facebook now.

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A rejoint: 06/20/2013

Why do you site the FSF to tell people the supposed dangers of Facebook? I don't even get why the FSF needs to even make an article about Facebook. They don't mention the software Facebook uses or even mention freedom. It seems that the people who run the FSF are just using their high position to spread their completely libertarian opinionated propaganda-infested boycotts on any company they hate.

I'm not saying people should use Facebook, nor am I saying that people shouldn't warn of the dangers. However, I am saying that people shouldn't conform to all the opinions of people or companies they admire like the FSF or Stallman. Stallman promotes free software but tells people not to use Vi. Does that mean you shouldn't use Vi? No. FSF hates Facebook. Does that mean you shouldn't use Facebook? No. Both Vi and Facebook can be run with only free software and that is what matters.

name at domain wrote:
>Ewww, I saw a facebook tab there! Thanks, now I must go shower myself!
>Suggest you unfriend facebook now.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Stallman does *not* tell people "not to use vi". He tells people "not to use proprietary software". I believe his classic joke about vi is: "using a free software implementation of vi is not a sin [like using proprietary software], it is a penitence".

It really is more of a joke than anything else. Stallman designed the other major text editor (GNU Emacs) because he did not like the way vi works. It is a technical preference. Not a philosophical one (as far as we are talking about two free software programs).

On the GNU website, you can actually find much humoristic material making fun of Emacs and even a song giving ed as the answer to the editor's holy war.

As for Facebook, the software it uses does not matter to the user (who does not, and should not, control Facebook's computing).

The FSF article is about privacy issues raised by Facebook (like the spying buttons), its censorship (like not transmitting chat messages Facebook dislikes), its collaboration with governmental spying agencies (which is now obvious since the PRISM scandal). I agree it does not belong to the core of the FSF speech (more that of the EFF). However, it definitely is about freedom.

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

> I believe his classic joke about vi is: "using a free software implementation
> of vi is not a sin [like using proprietary software], it is a penitence".

Almost: that it is a "penance" is the usual joke.

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A rejoint: 06/20/2013

On 07/19/2013 09:40 AM, name at domain wrote:
> Stallman does *not* tell people "not to use vi". He tells people "not to
> use proprietary software". I believe his classic joke about vi is:
> "using a free software implementation of vi is not a sin [like using
> proprietary software], it is a penitence".

"You can use any editor you want, but remember that vi vi vi is the text
editor of the beast."
I guess he is okay with people using vi, but he surely doesn't look
greatly upon it.

> It really is more of a joke than anything else. Stallman designed the
> other major text editor (GNU Emacs) because he did not like the way vi
> works. It is a technical preference. Not a philosophical one (as far as
> we are talking about two free software programs).
> On the GNU website, you can actually find much humoristic material
> making fun of Emacs and even a song giving ed as the answer to the
> editor's holy war.

It was just an example to get the point that people shouldn't listen to
everything someone says just because they look up to them. I look up to
Stallman but I believe 90% of his political notes are just spouting crap.

> As for Facebook, the software it uses does not matter to the user (who
> does not, and should not, control Facebook's computing).

What matters is that users can browse, post, and otherwise use Facebook
without the need of proprietary JavaScript on their computer.

> The FSF article is about privacy issues raised by Facebook (like the
> spying buttons), its censorship (like not transmitting chat messages
> Facebook dislikes), its collaboration with governmental spying agencies
> (which is now obvious since the PRISM scandal). I agree it does not
> belong to the core of the FSF speech (more that of the EFF). However, it
> definitely is about freedom.

Facebook has the right to censor people's links, just as Trisquel forums
has the right to censor swearing. You are using their service, so you
shouldn't be bothered about something being censored, especially if it
is for a good cause (such as blocking spam or very offensive material).
Collaboration with spying agencies shouldn't be a problem if you aren't
posting illegal information on Facebook. Again, if you are using their
service they have the right to give out their information. It's in their
Privacy Policy so people should be warned ahead of time.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 05/19/2013

'"You can use any editor you want, but remember that vi vi vi is the text
editor of the beast."
I guess he is okay with people using vi, but he surely doesn't look
greatly upon it.'

That is a joke. VI in Roman numerals is 6, then 3x that is...

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

The full joke is usually:

"Some people ask me if it is a sin to use the Other Editor, vi. It's true that vi vi vi is the editor of the beast, but if you use a free implementation of vi, it is not a sin, but a penance."

This is just poking fun at the editor war.[1] I don't get the impression that Richard Stallman really cares; he just doesn't like vi for practical reasons, which is why he initially wrote Emacs.


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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

I linked to FSF because I think many people on this forum have a high regard for their opinions.

Here's another link for you

Free software is means to an end.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/27/2010

Sneaky! All those tabs about gNewSense and Richard Stallman, just to hide the Evil F.


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A rejoint: 11/07/2009

Oh for gawds sake. Alt+right click, remove, and it's gone. Too simple for my old brain! thanks all.
I know facebook is the devil. Perhaps I'll vanquish it to the depths of Hades!

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

Well, Facebook is not the devil, but it certainly does his work. lol

1. They sell your data to advertising companies. (not really so bad)
2. They use the "tag" feature to collect face data, so they can create a face recognition "spyware". (ok, this one is bad...)
3. They were connected to the PRISM program. (cross this one with nº2 and.... SCARYYYYY)

Truth is, facebook is not evil just on itself. People being able to just google your name, find page on the internet where they KNOW its you because you put your face there, and they can see A LOT OF S*** about you on that page, because you yourself provided them with that information.... Am I the only one who thinks that's sick?

Sorry wpurcell, I know this is not related to the question you made, but I just couldn't resist =) I hate facebook, and I actually forbid anyone from posting a picture of me on there.