Disabling panel animations
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Is there any way to disable panel animations that trigger on button click (or frames that appear on tab+alt, for that matter)?
I'm using out of the box Trisquel 7 (metacity).
You could disable all effects by removing the package "compton". I did it since I don't like those effects.
I did't find a way to disable them through the settings. But as far as I read there are ways to configure certain things using the compton cli program.
If you don't want to remove the package but disabling the effects instead, you could open compton.conf file with your favourite text editor and comment every line (writting a "#" at the beginning of every line):
$ sudo nano /etc/compton.conf
I should have known that earlier! :D Thanks for the info. I wonder if this is mentioned in the wiki.
I think it's not on the wiki, but you gave me a great idea: I can create a wiki page describing how to modify Trisquel's Desktop animations, I think this would be great.
I will have time to do so after January 25th.
Thank you for the idea :-)
Please let me know when you finished, I'll do a translation to German then.
Sorry, I did a mistake: To disable compton you must comment the file /etc/xdg/autostart/compton-autostart.desktop
and the next time you login, the effects will be no more.
touch ~/.config/disable-compton
Very elegant solution indeed.
I would like to know where is the code that checks inside the .config directory for that file. Is it inside compton's code or is a shell script I missed?
I'm very curious about this.
It's inside compton's launcher script in /usr/bin/compton-launcher:
[ -f ~/.config/disable-compton ] && exit 0
Oh, thank you so much, I should have open it with a text editor the moment I saw it in the xdg file. I find the script very well made, it even checks if the computer can handle, or not, 3D graphics acceleration.
Concerning the wiki entry, I will let you know by posting a new thread on the forums, I also have in mind the people who wants to use unity, so I want to make a tutorial on how to include unity on the session list first (I know how to do it and it is shorter and less complicated).
Never mind! I found the file after downloading the source code and greping (egrep -ir disable-compton) it. :-)
Thanks for you efforts.
Thanks, guys.
Quidam's answer worked for me pretty well, although I can still see frames (definitely lighter, though) on alt+tab. Is this to be expected?
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