The domain is restricted in Turkey

5 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 05/27/2023

Hello. Today I wanted to try Trisquel GNU/Linux but I couldn't access it's site. I had to download the iso from distrowatch's archive. I can access to the domain via VPN but I don't get it why would they block a domain of a GNU/Linux distribution.

Also, I guess my CPU (AMD Ryzen 4300GE) needs non-free driver to function properly because my resolution is stuck at 1024x768*76hz and i don't see any other resolution options.

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A rejoint: 06/30/2017

Apparently many websites are blocked in Turkey.

It probably would be hard to get to without VPN, but this is the link to download from Turkey. Does it work, I wonder.

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A rejoint: 05/27/2023

Yes, it does work. Thanks.

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A rejoint: 03/20/2023

Trisquel is also blocked within some ISPs in Iran (Unfortunately mine too!). I usually access it with choosing another ISP or another Trisquel mirror (namely Strange fact is, I can access Trisquel repos on a live system, but not on an installed one!

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A rejoint: 05/28/2022

That makes me wonder if you have access to Uruk's website from Turkey.

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A rejoint: 05/27/2023

Yes, I'm able to access it without a vpn.