dual boot with windows 7

17 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 01/13/2013

tried to install trisquel 6 on my laptop but it wouldn't do it (running win 7 as well so siply chose 'install alongside win 7' in the installer) but it wouldn't do it, just hangs....so i thought i'd try the stable trisquel 5.5 but exactly the same thing! can anyone help please?

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A rejoint: 04/19/2012

On 16/05/13 21:40, cyberhawk wrote:
> I don't want to offend anyone, but we should not be helping people
> run Windows alongside GNU/Linux or give any kind of support for
> Windows. This has been a tradition of these forum/mailing list for
> quite some time, I assume since the beginning.

I disagree, a little bit. We shouldn't be supporting Windows
specifically. But we should be helping people dual-boot. The fact that
it is installed alongside a proprietary OS is just a detail. The steps
for dual-booting alongside any other proprietary or libre OS are similar.

> The real solution for any problem when Windows is affecting the
> installation of Trisquel is format the drive and install Trisquel
> only. It's unfortunate if someone has to use non-free software for
> anything, but in such cases it is always important to state our cause
> and explain, that non-free software is bad and should be removed in
> order to restore full control over the owners PC.

I agree that this is what we should be encouraging.

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

There's a silly bug in the installer. Try again installing but this time without internet connection...


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 11/20/2012

Could you describe the "hang" with more accuracy? What hangs and when?

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/18/2012

If I recall I had the same problem awhile back. the installer tries to connect to a server to download something and it just stalls.

I actually solved the problem using the net install method. It's a problem with the Ubuntu based installer that affects some computers.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 01/13/2013

thanks; lembas method works for trisquel 5.5 but not for trisquel 6 which still just stalls....is it possible to do a net install that linuxbookpro has suggested, for trisquel 6?

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A rejoint: 03/18/2012

My bad I thought you were installing 5.5

You could try the mini installer, that might be a text based installer.


Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

AFAIK, Trisquel Mini provides an LXDE desktop. "NetInstall" would be the text based network installer... but it does not seem to exist (yet?) for Trisquel 6.0 Toutatis.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/17/2012

You could just disable your internet connection when installing Toutatis by disconnecting the cable or from desktop environment use network tool to disable networking.

You can also type "sudo pkill wget" from console when the installation hangs.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 01/06/2013


Had that very same problem when installing Ubuntu 12.04 a while back and with Trisquel 6.0 recently. During installation (at 'please wait') the installation stalled and refused to continue until I simply disconnected from the internet, waited a bit, and it continued to install like magic!

It'll probably be easier from the beginning to not connect to the internet at all though.

But as with Trisquel 5.5 it is the same solution for Trisquel 6.0.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 04/22/2013

I disagree with you. One of the aims of free software is the ability to help my neighbour.
If my neighbour _really_ needs prop. software (because of his job for example) and he has problems with it and asks me for help, it would be an incredible absurdity to refuse it and I would be very ashamed.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/27/2010

You can hardly disagree that this forum has such a tradition, because it does. This site is for, beyond other things, promoting the free software movement. We should not create an impression that running non-free software in any shape or form is somehow acceptable by giving support in that direction.

You can help people with non-free software all you want outside the forum. It's the forums tradition that I'm talking about.


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/19/2011



We have a tutorial for installing a Dualboot system.

As far as I remember we do help people with windows to make a Dual-Boot with Trisquel. Not every one wants to do a full switch to an unknown Operating System.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 04/22/2013

Well, of course I didn't want to deny the tradition of the forum, which I think was (though imprecisely formulated ) clear after my post.
Furthermore, this may be a tradition in this forum, but I'm free to think it's not a good one and it does more bad than good.
I really like this forum, but this attitude bothers me and I can't identify with it.

No one has to show that proprietary software is acceptable when giving support in _some special_ cases.
I say something like "Proprietary is not acceptable and does harm to you and society, I clearly recommend not to install it", so I think my position is clear. If my friend thinks it's really necessary, then I will help him. This seems to be a good attitude to me; refusing to help would be a bad action, and I don't see how it should become good only because it's about the trisquel forum and because it's a "tradition".

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 10/28/2010

El 16/05/13 11:29, name at domain escribió:
> I say something like "Proprietary is not acceptable and does harm to
> you and society, I clearly recommend not to install it", so I think my
> position is clear. If my friend thinks it's really necessary, then I
> will help him. This seems to be a good attitude to me; refusing to
> help would be a bad action, and I don't see how it should become good
> only because it's about the trisquel forum and because it's a
> "tradition".

It has nothing to do with tradition. It is just keeping our goal in
mind: freedom.

If you help persons harm themselves, you are not helping them.

Saludos libres,

Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en conjunto con el resto de socios)
Asociación de Software Libre del Ecuador - ASLE
Av de la Prensa N58-219 y Cristóbal Vaca de Castro
Quito, Ecuador
(02)-600 8579
IRC: http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=asle&uio=OT10cnVlJjEwPXRydWU3a

Todo correo que reciba será tratado como información pública, de libre copia y modificación, sin importar cualquier nota de confidencialidad.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 04/22/2013

Running proprietary software is bad, but it's not the worst thing on earth; loosing your job is worse, getting a bad grade at university is worse etc.
If helping my friend hurts him, but not helping my friend hurts him much more, then I will choose to help him.

But this is just what I call fanatism, and I don't care whether wikipedia defines it in another way or anyone else:
loosing the view for the "scale" and the proportions, don't know how to express it better.
Only seeing the one holy goal;
I don't claim that anyone in this forum is a fanatic but I think this special attitude has a fanatic flavour in my opinion;
just my point of view.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 10/28/2010

El 16/05/13 06:53, name at domain escribió:
> I disagree with you. One of the aims of free software is the ability
> to help my neighbour.
> If my neighbour _really_ needs prop. software (because of his job for
> example) and he has problems with it and asks me for help, it would be
> an incredible absurdity to refuse it and I would be very ashamed.

If you help him run non-free software you are helping him become
enslaved. That hardly does him any good even if he doesn't agree.

Saludos libres,

Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en conjunto con el resto de socios)
Asociación de Software Libre del Ecuador - ASLE
Av de la Prensa N58-219 y Cristóbal Vaca de Castro
Quito, Ecuador
(02)-600 8579
IRC: http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=asle&uio=OT10cnVlJjEwPXRydWU3a

Todo correo que reciba será tratado como información pública, de libre copia y modificación, sin importar cualquier nota de confidencialidad.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 04/13/2013

Denying a desperate person help "for his own good" is paternalistic. It also looks a little bad ... like we're capitalizing on his weak position to deliver our political message. I agree with quantamgravity; refusing help is not being a good neighbour.

Helping the person is good, if we also tell him about about living free. He should make up his own mind.

I don't think that our Community Guidelines condone support for proprietary software. We're using Trisquel's forum, so we should follow the rule here.

It's also important to have an organization like Trisquel represent the principled position. Trisquel makes using free software in a proprietary world easier every iteration. That's only true because because the Trisquel team is principled about free software.