Duda sobre el Smartphones Tehnoetic S2 con Replicant
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hace un momento me encuentro con este sitio de la Free Software Fundation https://www.fsf.org/givingguide/v6/ en el que recomiendan regalos de componentes electrónicos para la libertad y seguridad del usuario. En el se muestra el Smartphones Tehnoetic S2 con Replicant.
Mis dudas son:
¿Funciona el Wifi?
¿Funciona el modem?
¿Hay algo que no funcione?
Gracias por pasarse...he encontrado la respuesta aquí https://tehnoetic.com/tehnoetic-s2-phone-replicant
Tehnoetic S2 smartphones are refurbished Samsung Galaxy S2's pre-installed with the 100% free operating system Replicant. Please note that while the main processor is running only free software, the modem processor is running a Samsung nonfree system.
In 2014, Replicant developers have found a modem backdoor in the Android systems of several Replicant-supported devices, including the S2, and have successfully closed it in Replicant. We are telling you this so that before buying the product, you are aware there is also nonfree software running on the Tehnoetic S2, which doesn't respect your freedom and it might not respect your privacy either. For now, we can't offer a full stack freedom-respecting smartphone, but we're joining the efforts.
Also, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth don't work. We recommend using the FSF-endorsed Tehnoetic N150 Wi-Fi adapter with a microUSB male to USB female cable for your Tehnoetic S2 phone. And a mobile data connection would be useful in areas not covered by Wi-Fi networks. For now, we don't provide Bluetooth adapters too, but we consider the issue to be minor since USB connection is preferred in our hacker community.
Replicant is a completely free operating system based on CyanogenMod/Android, following the GNU FSDG and thus endorsed by free software organizations (FSF, FSFE, Ceata, etc). Replicant has its own modem communication layer, nonfree firmware removed, nonfree libraries removed/replaced and nonfree applications replaced by free ones in the F-Droid repository.
2% (€5) of each Tehnoetic S2 phone sale will be donated monthly to the Replicant project!
1% (€2.5) of each Tehnoetic S2 phone sale will be donated monthly to the F-Droid project!
Me parece una buena opción este smartphone. El teléfono no tiene wifi pero se puede agregar un nano usb y tendrás wifi como dicen en el sitio. Tampoco tendrás bluetooth pero eso no me importa.
Será mi próxima compra este smartphone con un sistema Replicant completamente libre...
La pregunta que yo tengo es si comprando un Galaxy S2 podré instalarle replicant, porque creo menos costoso hacer eso a comprar un teléfono y esperar un mes que me llegue, estaría interesante saberlo.
La pregunta que yo tengo es si comprando un Galaxy S2 podré instalarle
replicant, porque creo menos costoso hacer eso a comprar un teléfono y
esperar un mes que me llegue, estaría interesante saberlo.
Si se puede.
De echo el Tehnoetic S2 phone with Replicant es un Galaxy S2 con replicant pre-instalado: https://tehnoetic.com/tehnoetic-s2-phone-replicant
Puedes comprar el teléfono y comprar a Tehnoetic el servicio de instalación de replicant: https://tehnoetic.com/tehnoetic-service-replicant-installation
Lee en Description de esa misma página para mas información acerca en que dispositivos instalan.
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