Enable javascript in abrowser

7 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 01/03/2015

Faced with a popup that asked me to disable javascript in ABrowser, I complied, and now I have no means of reading my mail in ABrowser at my ISP's Cpanel. Horde says I have to enable javascript ...

Where is the choice to enable javascript in the ABrowser Preferences ?

Google search reveals nothing... searching in this forum reveals nothing ... even "man Abrowser" in the console fails to provide a solution.

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A rejoint: 01/03/2015

These duplicates are appearing every time I post something to this forum, but I'm not an impatient sort ... I only click "save" once ...


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

javascript.enabled ---> true

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A rejoint: 01/03/2015

What Supertramp83 means is to type "about:config" in ABrowser's address bar, whereupon a scary popup appears with a message to the effect that my warranty might become void, but I proceeded anyway and was faced with an impressively long list of choices, of which "javascript.enabled--->true" was one. I selected that line with a right click and was presented with a short list of choices, of which "toggle" was the obvious selection to make.

That cured my problem.

The only wrong "pill" that I tried first was to explore the /etc/abrowser folder, which contains "syspref.js" but that was an utterly unpopulated file.

Then a Google search on "about:config javascript.enabled ---> true" got me back on track.

Thanks ! It's been a learning experience.

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A rejoint: 01/03/2015

What Supertramp83 means is to type "about:config" in ABrowser's address bar,
whereupon a scary popup appears with a message to the effect that my warranty
might become void, but I proceeded anyway and was faced with an impressively
long list of choices, of which "javascript.enabled--->true" was one. I
selected that line with a right click and was presented with a short list of
choices, of which "toggle" was the obvious selection to make.

That cured my problem.

The only wrong "pill" that I tried first was to explore the /etc/abrowser
folder, which contains "syspref.js" but that was an utterly unpopulated file.

Then a Google search on "about:config javascript.enabled ---> true" got me
back on track.

Thanks ! It's been a learning experience.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

yw ^^


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

javascript.enabled ---> true


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

yw ^^