2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 04/13/2013

What ever happened with EOMA 64?

Is there a connection between EOMA64 and Luke Leighton's more recent work on Libre-SOC? The common thread from the KDE Tablet, EOMA64 computer, and Libre-SOC seems to be Luke Leighton's quest to make a libre computer. If the first two projects did not result in deliveries (can anyone confirm or refute?), what's different about the Libre-SOC effort?


As I remember it, in the first few years that followed the EOMA64 Crowd Supply campaign, there was talk of delays, but apparently ongoing efforts to make it happen. Now that six years have passed, are there still ongoing efforts on EOMA64 product deliveries? Was there any recent news about this project, an accounting of how the money collected was distributed, and whether there remains any collected money not-yet-spent?




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A rejoint: 09/13/2010

"What ever happened with EOMA 64?"

I encourage you to read the project updates posted on Crowdsupply.

"Is there a connection between EOMA64 and Luke Leighton's more recent work on Libre-SOC?"

You mean, beyond that they're both projects from the same person?


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 12/13/2017

>read the project updates posted on Crowdsupply

I'd suggest the same.

>are there still ongoing efforts on EOMA64 product deliveries? Was there any recent news about this project,

From what I understand, I'd say yes and yes…

>an accounting of how the money collected was distributed, and whether there remains any collected money not-yet-spent?

…but better read for yourself:

But be aware that the "Nov 29 22:17:14 GMT 2022" message purporting to be from "lkcl" must be an impersonation. Wouldn't be the first time on that mailing list.

If you care about technical details, https://rhombus-tech.net/community_ideas/micro_desktop/news/index.rss and https://rhombus-tech.net/recentchanges/ might also be worth a look – last edit ten months ago as of now.