Ethernet on Dell Dimension 3000 and the Floppy Drive

1 réponse [Dernière contribution]
Richard Cottrell
Hors ligne
A rejoint: 01/11/2011

To All:

I posted about a week or so ago that I had a problem with the connection
of an Intel Ethernet Card on a Dell Dimension 3000 using Trisquel 4.0

The problem has been solved. Turned out to be the cable, not the
ethernet card or Trisquel operating system. Got a new cable and bingo
the ethernet works.

Now I've discovered that the floppy drive isn't able to read a floppy
disk when you try to mount the floppy drive through my computer.

The floppy disk are good and when you go into terminal and issue the
command fdformat /dev/fd0/ the floppy disk is formatted but the floppy
disk is still not capable of being read from the floppy drive in my

Anyone have this problem with a floppy drive using Trisquel?



I am a translator!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 12/28/2009

I'm glad the ethernet problem was just your cord.

Wow, floppies in 2011? Really? Is there any particular reason you needed to use one instead of a CD?

But apparently, floppy drive support was removed from Ubuntu since version 8.10. See this page for instructions on getting it to work:

I haven't tried the above steps for myself, because my computer doesn't have a floppy drive.