Fallback mode to disappear - DE brainstorming

53 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 05/15/2011

I guess in the future when installing this OS from scratch, the first thing that will happen is installing an alternative DE as the first course of action. I do wish that Gnome Fallback was more customizable, but it isn't no matter how much Ruben tries to hack it. This is also the second release in a row where installing Unity/Unity2D does not show up as an option when logging into the system. Is he purposely blocking Unity or is his hacking of Gnome preventing Unity in some way?

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A rejoint: 04/19/2012

I did try installing Unity 2D on my Trisquel 5.5 installation a few months ago and it did install and run. However, the theme didn't work as expected, so it wasn't very usable.

I didn't spend much time trying to get it working (I was happy with my other DE at the time) so I'm not sure how difficult it would be to get it working. You might just have to install the "light-themes" package to get it working as well.

Edit: I think it was Trisquel 5.0 which I got Unity working on, not 5.5.


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/23/2011

Rubén hasn't done anything intentionally as far as I know or can tell to prevent you from installing Unity. Unity is free software as far as I'm aware and the issues with it are privacy related. If he has removed it or done anything it would almost have to be privacy related or non-free software related.

Rubén and Trisquel are dependent on stuff primarily developed or maintained by companies in cahoots with non-free software. It's not a reason he would remove something.