Fixing your posture!

26 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 02/02/2023

Hello I found a video about fixing my posture the pdf with exercises is impossible to get without running non-free jascript I attach it for you to this message. My back is killing me : hope this helps.

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headexercises.pdf362.08 Ko
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A rejoint: 06/30/2017

I do not trust chiropractors. Maybe ask your primary care practitioner?

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A rejoint: 03/15/2020

"I do not trust chiropractors. Maybe ask your primary care practitioner?"

I find chiropractors to be like a doctor; mechanic; computer repair tech; etc in that you either find one that does wonders for you or screws you over. I happen to have a chiropractor that my wife and I go to every two weeks and it helps us both. My work benefits covers most of it so we love it. I have no doubt there are some that are snake oil salesman though.

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A rejoint: 06/30/2017

Did I understand correctly you do not need help getting the exercises and that you are sharing the PDF you downloaded with non-free javascript? Or are you looking for a way to download the exercises without non-free javascript?

EDITED: Switched help and need.

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A rejoint: 02/02/2023

I downloaded the exercises using non-free javascript. I uploaded the PDF here for others to download without using non-free software.

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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

I had bad back pain about 2 years ago, and I tried all kinds of back stretches and exercises that doctors and chiropractors and physical therapists were promoting with online videos and websites. But none of them helped for more than a few hours. Then someone told me to stop doing exercises like that and just swim, and I joined a local gym with a big olympic swimming pool and I swam for about 40 minutes to an hour a day. I watched videos to re-learn the swimming strokes and breathing techniques I had learned when I was in swimming lessons as a child. I got good goggles and a stretchy rubber swimming hat for my hair and I even got an underwater mp3/ogg player so I could listen to podcasts and music while I was swimming. And after about the first week I was feeling a bit better, and after the 2nd and 3rd weeks the improvement was clear, and after about 4-5 weeks the pain was completely going away, and then it was just gone.

I've kept the gym membership and I still go every day and I either swim or lift weights or do some treadmill walking while I read my books. I saw that Derek Taylor of the DistroTube GNU/Linux video channel said his back trouble had gone away after he started lifting weights at a gym regularly, so I started to work the weightlifting into my routine. I don't lift real heavy weights, and I don't do any lifting with my back, just various different arm/shoulder/chest weight machines. But like Derek said, it does seem to build up my torso strength and probably has helped to keep the back problems away. I also do some work on my abdominal muscles at the gym, which I wasn't able to do when my back was hurting.

Obviously everyone's back pain is going to have different causes and respond to different things. But if you have access to a pool, it might be useful to try it for a couple weeks. I found that swimming strokes where I was stretching my arms out over my head and then paddling the water past me were best, mainly for me the breast stroke and the freestyle (or front crawl) stroke.

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022


Well, I have no recollection of back pain whatsoever from the time I was a blobfish.

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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

I don't think blobba had a spine, so no back pain to worry about.

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

Only in his stomach. Fishbones, mostly.

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A rejoint: 02/02/2023

Thank You! I will try to learn how to swim

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

All the people I know who first took to swimming to relieve back pain - or else, it has lots of added health benefits - are sill regular swimmers.

What brainless animal ever decided to take that fateful leap out of water, I wonder.

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A rejoint: 02/02/2023

Thank You!

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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

Yeah, swimming is like a miracle exercise. It gets every part of your body moving and stretching, and yet the water holds you so you don't get any of the bone stress from running and jumping and doing things on land. We can learn a lot from the blobfish.

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A rejoint: 05/28/2022

Mh, I don't even remember what's in this:
function swimming() {
[memory failure here]


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 08/18/2020

Two things contributed to reduce back pain for me:
- good seating position
- train muscles of the back (especially the lower part) and abs

The pictures are just examples of things that are feasible by everyone, it is good and more fun to vary exercises. Some cardio warm up before and stretching after is good. No weight or material besides a mat, the body alone is enough. I don't do it on my own, I follow classes.

la-bonne-posture-pour-travailler-devant-un-ordinateur-64acc704a7ef1c47.jpeg Rueckenuebungen-_Hyperextensions_©foodspring.gif Rueckenuebungen_Plank_©foodspring.gif
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A rejoint: 02/02/2023

Thank You!

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A rejoint: 02/02/2023

I visited the doctor and he concluded I have chronic pain from damaged intervertebral disc.
It will require a surgery, I'm going to hospital on 25th of May. Wish me luck

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

I wish you peacefulness, and full recovery from your chronic pain.

A new Hikaru will be born.

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A rejoint: 02/02/2023

Thank You!

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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

Ouch! May you be blessed with some sweet relief Hikaru.

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A rejoint: 02/02/2023

Thank You!

Sunny Day
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A rejoint: 01/05/2023

I'm sorry to hear about your back and the need for surgery Hikaru!

I wish you get the best care to repair and be well! I wish you be well soon!

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A rejoint: 05/28/2022

I wish you to have a good surgeon (and then the best recovery possible).

Sunny Day
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A rejoint: 01/05/2023

Hi again Hikaru!

I have some uplifting information to pass on to you, so you can be mentally prepared for the 25th with peace of mind!

I spoke about your surgery with someone very close to me who also had an operation on his back (he had two prolapsed disks and was in agony). Since then, he's been well!

He said to let you know that when he woke up after the surgery, the pain was gone and he could walk normally again. He said his life changed completely.

Nothing to fear and all to gain, be well soon!

Sunny Day
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A rejoint: 01/05/2023

It's been quite a while since we've heard from Hikaru. I've been wondering how he is doing, if he is OK. Has anyone heard from him?

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A rejoint: 06/30/2017

I too am curious on how Hikaru is doing. Maybe Hikaru just needs sometime to recover.

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A rejoint: 05/28/2022

Same, I hope he recovers well.